Posted on Feb 17, 2022
SPC Soldier
So basically , soldiers in my unit are being bared or threaten to be bared for re-enlistment due to them not passing mock boards (my understanding is that mock boards are used to help the soldiers prepare for the board so they can study what need to be worked on for the actual board) and are getting little notice before these mock boards and not being able to properly study or have time to study due to staying late or being busy with other stuff. Is this a actual thing or is there a way to prevent the baring of soldiers over a mock board ?
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Responses: 4
SFC Retention Operations Nco
Soldiers can be barred if their leadership does not believe they are candidates for promotion.

Only Commanders can recommend a bar.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
3 y
So I can imagine a situation where the mock board soldier is asked why they want to be promoted and they say they don’t want to be or a general board refusal and end up with a bar
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CPT Staff Officer
When someone tells me things like this what I like to do is try and look for the regulation itself that will support it. If I out rank them I can ask for the regulation to save myself the time, or if they out rank me, and I know better I'll hunt for it myself.

I suggest you look up the regulations that list all the reasons for being barred from re-enlistment. If what you are being told is correct, then it will be in there. If not, then............ you can quietly keep it to yourself knowing a bar can't be done.

I put it on par with my time in TRADOC, when getting yelled at for being in the back of the running block, and those of us in the back would be recycled or discharged. I didn't know a lot back then, but I did know my APFT scores were passing, so there wasn't a way to kick me out in regard to my physical fitness when I met the Army Standard.

But I had to keep that to myself and continue to push myself through the runs.

You in this case with the mock boards need to push yourself and your peers to do better in the mock boards because your NCO's don't want to present idiots to the CSM for these promotions when it is the real deal. That's what's probably going on here.

Now.......... don't go telling your chain of command this CPT Lesher guy in the USAR is telling you this. Cite the regulation. The only one with the power to discard a regulation would have to have the power to WRITE a regulation. That's not going to be anyone on your entire base.
1stSgt Suzie Altes
1stSgt Suzie Altes
3 y
Good comment!

I volunteered for Vietnam and went to DC instead.
The “word of mouth” research method was always used! With unhappy results for all who failed to check the regs themselves. The level of stupid NCO’s and Officers spouting BS was amazing! The only way I survived all those years, was memorizing regs. I am still amazed that bad info is still a problem in all branches. READ! Never ask anybody!
Example: Customer service at the Finance Office gave me very wrong info, I asked them to check and the entire office agreed the rules had changed. They were all wrong! I pretended to ask them how to find out stuff like that and smiled a lot. While showing me the reg and actually looking at the IMC, they discovered their mistake! I was dripping with fake gratitude.
Over time you try not to expose the stupid cause you might need help some time. More than one Chief of Personnel at different bases had to have a paradigm shift.

Always know the answer before you ask the question!!!! Make your plan and work your plan! Only you have the need for accuracy.

VA computers can provide every law and administrative rules you need.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
3 y
Outstanding response sir!
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
It would be interesting to read the reason listed on that bar. -
Is your CO is telling you this? Or an NCO supervisor?
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