Posted on Jun 12, 2015
I'm going SF....anyone have any words of wisdom before I step off?
Responses: 59
Here's my takeaway from SFAS: (by the way, I was selected) as best I remember it from 24 years ago.
Worry about PT, but not too much. Road march your butt off in preparation for SFAS. Trust me on this. Also, if you don't lift weights, start now.
'The number one thing is attitude. Be that guy that motivates a team. Don't be afraid to joke a little bit as long as you're serious when you need to be.
Be smart, then be physical. When you come to a water crossing on a road march, stop, sit down on your ruck, take off your boots and socks, cross, then reverse the process. The dipsticks that go full hooah and pass you while your doing this will be sitting along the road with tears in their eyes in a few the way, the last road march is longer than the training recommendations.
Think like a leader AND a follower. When you're team leader, solicit input from your team and make solid decisions from the best ideas. When you're not the team leader, give your ideas. Participate 100% in team events no matter whose idea it is. Follow instructions to the letter, give instructions to the letter.
Did I mention positive attitude? Keep positive ALL the time, no matter how much it hurts. If it hurts too much to be positive, do it anyway.
The swim test kills a fair amount of dreams. Practice the swim test.
Whatever your SF recruiter told you to do to that and more. Trust me.
Land Nav: Don't screw this up. If you aren't good at it, get help now. Nobody can help you in SFAS.
Make it to lunch. Don't think about how many days until you're done, just make it to lunch. Once you do that, make it to dinner. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Show up rested. Once you get there sleep is a rare and precious commodity.
When you get woken up and told to report to a classroom, you're in for a long test. Shut up and do it. It's not that bad.
Did I mention Land Nav?
Lose any cockiness. That will kill you faster than anything. They are looking for smart, strong, agile team members.
NEVER, NEVER take even the shortest step away from integrity. I recall nothing with higher emphasis than that.
Did I mention positive attitude?
Worry about PT, but not too much. Road march your butt off in preparation for SFAS. Trust me on this. Also, if you don't lift weights, start now.
'The number one thing is attitude. Be that guy that motivates a team. Don't be afraid to joke a little bit as long as you're serious when you need to be.
Be smart, then be physical. When you come to a water crossing on a road march, stop, sit down on your ruck, take off your boots and socks, cross, then reverse the process. The dipsticks that go full hooah and pass you while your doing this will be sitting along the road with tears in their eyes in a few the way, the last road march is longer than the training recommendations.
Think like a leader AND a follower. When you're team leader, solicit input from your team and make solid decisions from the best ideas. When you're not the team leader, give your ideas. Participate 100% in team events no matter whose idea it is. Follow instructions to the letter, give instructions to the letter.
Did I mention positive attitude? Keep positive ALL the time, no matter how much it hurts. If it hurts too much to be positive, do it anyway.
The swim test kills a fair amount of dreams. Practice the swim test.
Whatever your SF recruiter told you to do to that and more. Trust me.
Land Nav: Don't screw this up. If you aren't good at it, get help now. Nobody can help you in SFAS.
Make it to lunch. Don't think about how many days until you're done, just make it to lunch. Once you do that, make it to dinner. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Show up rested. Once you get there sleep is a rare and precious commodity.
When you get woken up and told to report to a classroom, you're in for a long test. Shut up and do it. It's not that bad.
Did I mention Land Nav?
Lose any cockiness. That will kill you faster than anything. They are looking for smart, strong, agile team members.
NEVER, NEVER take even the shortest step away from integrity. I recall nothing with higher emphasis than that.
Did I mention positive attitude?
SGT Richard H.
SFC Jack S. I'm right there with you, brother. It really doesn't seem that long ago until I start counting fingers and run out of them.....
SGT Richard H.
SFC Jack S. mine was spring time (mar/Apr). Perfect time to go in my opinion....warm days and cool nights. just enough of both to insure that weather is a non-issue.
Make sure you know your land nav (for SFAS), that you can ruck like crazy, maintain your integrity, and be prepared to think out of the box!
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