Posted on Jun 12, 2015
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
2015 06 11t190743z 01 bag501 rtridsp 3 mideast crisis iraq usa 1109
The United States may further expand its military footprint in Iraq, the top U.S. general said Thursday, a day after the White House announced an increase in the American force there advising local troops on the fight against the Islamic State.

Speaking to reporters on an overseas trip, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin E. Dempsey said the United States may eventually make a decision to place U.S. advisers or trainers at additional locations across Iraq.

“We’re looking all the time on whether there might be additional sites necessary,” Dempsey said.

“Our campaign is built on establishing these . . . lily pads, if you will, that allow us to continue to encourage the Iraqi security forces forward,” he said. “And as they go forward, there may be a point where they exceed the reach of the particular lily pad.”

Dempsey spoke on the heels of Wednesday’s announcement that 450 additional service members would be sent to advise local troops and tribal fighters on a base in western Iraq, bringing the total U.S. force in the country to about 3,500.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 6
PO1 John Miller
Draw down my ass! Haven't other wars generally started as "sending in advisers/trainers?" I for one was all for pulling our people out of Iraq after the war was over.

I do know that the Iraqi police/Army of incapable of fighting terrorism, or they are terrorists themselves, or just plain don't give a crap and it looks bad on the US because we helped train and install them in place.

But I also think that maybe it's time we cut our losses and focus our efforts on defending America from within.
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SGT Rick Ash
I believe they should because ISIS must be stopped. Already 30,000 strong in Iraq and more like MARINES than ARMY. Very disciplined, very much in top shape and one mission. To fly their flag over the WH or the Capitol. They are already amassed in great numbers on our southern border. Thankfully, their one "attack" in Texas amounted to ISIS Dead 2 / U.S. Dead 0. That's not going to stop them. There are reports that say they are already inside the U.S. in large numbers plus we have to worry about the "lone wolf" attacks, weak-minded U.S. citizens whom have bought into the ISIS ideology on the Internet. (They are very adept in using Social Media websites to recruit) If you see unusual activity report it to your local FBI office.
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SFC Joseph Weber
Air strikes, cruise missiles, more air strikes, more cruise missiles, a couple MOABs for good measure. We either have to accept failure or go all out and destroy the place.
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