Posted on Dec 16, 2021
MAJ Robert H.
American Legion and VFW posts are losing members and not getting new ones. I had this discussion with several leaders in both organizations. Older members are dying and new members are not joiners. The older members are often not welcoming either. I think making them family oriented and getting more involved in their community events might cause them to gain more relevance and awareness. This change should increase and gain more members. Thoughts?
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Responses: 548
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
Edited 3 y ago
"...The older members are often not welcoming either...." DING! DING! DING!! We have a winner!!!

When you are repeatedly told, "You aren't a REAL veteran because you weren't in the 'Nam" it kinda sours your desire to join. I finally joined the local VFW post (via National membership) but rarely go there as I'm shunned, ignored, and often looked at with open hostility by the older members.
Col Jeffrey Swegel
Col Jeffrey Swegel
5 mo
OK guys, everybody just calm down. I'm not going to dispute any of the above "non-welcoming" encounters, I am loathe to question a veteran's integrity (though lately....sadly, I've had plenty of reason to), but this is nothing new. I've heard the stories going back decades.....WWII vets were vilified by Vietnam guys for claiming they weren't "real vets", now I'm hearing that Vietnam guys are doing the same to Desert Storm / post-911 vets, etc. Perhaps if I'd been around in the 50's, the WWII vets would have had the same stories about WWI vets snubbing them, I don't know. But as Commander of the local Legion, I can tell you it has NEVER happened by a Vietnam Vet since I've retired and joined. If you think about it, it makes no sense that even if Vietnam guys were treated this way by WWII guys (and they may have's service members have grown up in a totally different environment regarding public support of the military, than the Vietnam guys did), why would they want to inflict that on others, esp when their orgs need members?
Remember, for Vietnam guys, there were no parades, no airport welcoming groups, no orgs like Wounded Warriors Foundation, Children of Fallen Patriots, Folded Flags, etc. IF they were lucky, they didn't get harassed or spit on by the ignorant college clowns protesting them. Many of these reason these orgs (and the support received by Desert Storm vets....the first action after 'Nam) exist is primarily because at the beginning of hostilities 'Nam guys collectively said "never again", and that was the start of the huge support the military has had since. So, knowing this, why would they do the same to us when it comes to joining VFW or Legion?
Now, I know we have to account for human behavior, and of course I'm sure there's some of this going on by some very short-sighted and clueless Vietnam guys, but it's as ignorant a behavior as those protesting college students actions and I would call them on it when it happens.
Most military members are not "shrinking violets", so if you encounter such resistance, ask them how they were treated upon returning, and after they tell you, then point blank ask them why they're doing the same to you. It will shut them up, I promise.
As to the original posters comments about more community involvement being a possible solution, I can tell you that it is a catch-22 situation. With many members in their 60-70-80-90s, we can't do more without young blood, their bodies just aren't capable anymore. So we do a Memorial Day parade/ceremony for combat fallen, and the local school does a program, and the school does a Veterans Day program honoring us. That's about as much as we can do with the dozen or so active members (out of about 60 on the rolls). When confronted about participation, many members will say "I pay my dues!", as if that's enough to keep public support / involvement, support local vets in need, conduct some fund-raising, etc. One last thing....orgs like the Legion, VFW, etc are the MAIN lobbying orgs to Congress, which keeps vet issues in front of your Reps / Senators and protects funding for them. Please, find one, stand up for your service, and join. Many hands make light work, even if you only do one thing in a year, it'll matter.
PO3 Terry Young
PO3 Terry Young
4 mo
Hey Steven, I'm sorry you were told that!!! When I first tried to join these organizations I was told the same thing - the WWII an Korean wars members told me Vietnam isn't a real war, I'm not eligible to join. It was 25 years later, when I got around to applying again. I was accepted and I swore to myself I would never tell another Vet that sorry song & dance. I've held leadership positions in both organizations and I would hope no member ever spouts that nonsense. I am welcoming to any veteran and we are constantly have discussions about attracting new members, younger members, retaining all members, and how do we get more members to be active.
SP5 Delphis Kaczowski
SP5 Delphis Kaczowski
21 d
PO3 Terry Young - It's time to ask The Reservist & National Guard troops to join up also.
SP5 Rick LaJiness
SP5 Rick LaJiness
10 d
had a drunken Brother Koren war Vet ask me what us Vets thought we deserved a memorial war in D C...he became very that point, only been a member a month, I handed the bar keeper my key card and walked out and never went back...told him befoe I Viet Nam Brothers paid for all of it and all D C did was give us a spot to put it....haven't been in a VFW since.
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SGT Chris Padgett
Edited >1 y ago
When I got out the 1st time (1991), I went to the VFW that my grandfather had been a member of years ago. I was told that I had to be in a combat area. I told them I was a Desert Storm vet. I was promptly told that Desert Storm wasn't a real war.
I said "fuck em" and forgot about it.
A couple months later, I happen to be at an event that the local American Legion was sponsoring.
I got to talking to one of the members there, and before I knew it I was a member.
I've been a legion member now for 28 years.
The difference between the two is night and day.
The post I belong to understands that we need to appeal to families and less to veterans only.
We're a family oriented post now, and it's way better than it was before we had the "come to Jesus" discussion and went to family format.
We actively recruit female veterans, and welcome them to our post.
We give a voice to the wives and other family members as to the direction we want to go.
If someone has an idea, we listen. We don't just blow them off.
Our post is an open book and people like that. Having secrets is no way to operate.
The American Legion as a national organization is really promoting this format as well.
A lot of posts are coming around, some better than others.
I've been to VFW Posts for programs, I'm glad I was turned away. I find them to be codger hangouts. Places where old guys drink beer and bitch about things.
If that's your thing, go for it.
The VFW I 1st went to, has sold their building, members have mostly died off and is dying on the vine.
Yet, the American Legion just a few miles down the road will hit record numbers for membership, prospers and is super active within the community.
It all about attitude and the way you treat your members.

*** Shameless Plug Alert***
If you live in the Cincinnati area, and you're a veteran, come visit us at Williamsburg Oh American Legion.
CH (CPT) Jerry McGowin
CH (CPT) Jerry McGowin
11 mo
Outstanding, local focus is what it takes to be effective in recruitment.
PO1 Earl McCreary
PO1 Earl McCreary
9 mo
The American Legion I belong to at first was full of a bunch of Drama Queens. Joined the VFW a few years later. Now we do have some drama queens, but much better and we do a lot for our veterans and local community. Much more rewarding. I really think it depends on the post.
Capt Logistics Readiness Officer (Lro)
Capt (Join to see)
9 mo
SGT Robert Haynes - SIDE NOTE to Sgt Haynes, it is interesting (and sad) warriors like you who served during what could have been the worst war are not as respected. Not only did soldiers and sailors like you 1) have the courage to serve during this time, 2) you PREVENTED this conflict, and 3) *if* such a conflict would arise, what individual fighting would be involved in such a conflict? I salute you and your brothers and sisters!
PO3 David Blank
PO3 David Blank
4 mo
Sounds like my old post- I was Honor Guard and often treated like a child there which pissed me off The old codgers always treated my like a child at the post despite me having Desert Storm/Shield deployments while none of the 'codgers' ever served in a wartime zone.
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SFC Larry Triplett
I had the same problem at the VFW post, I was told several times you didn't fight in a real war, The way we did in Vietnam. I'm sorry I was not old enough to serve in Vietnam, I served in Iraq and I'm an American Solider and proud that I served. We should respect each other and treat each other with Respect.
SP5 Carl Hollander
SP5 Carl Hollander
3 mo
I joined the VFW in 1975 and was told by the WWii vets that they won their war -like it was my fault that we didn't win in Vietnam -I brought my wife to the post once and they asked her why she was there ( because she is Asian ) --WELCOME HOME!!!
SP5 Rick LaJiness
SP5 Rick LaJiness
10 d
SP5 Carl Hollander - I am sorry this happened to your wife and you Brother,...nobody deserves that kind of trash talk...been 50 years since I got out(1974) and I've buried it all and lived my life and try to just be a good person to people...makes me happy.
SP5 Carl Hollander
SP5 Carl Hollander
9 d
SP5 Rick LaJiness - Thanks for your remarks Brother I have gotten over it a long time ago ,I never forgot it.
PVT Indirect Fire Infantryman (Mortarman)
PVT (Join to see)
8 d
Thanks for the remarks.
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