Posted on Jun 9, 2015
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
Let's say you got elected somehow, to serve as the United States President. What's the very first thing you would attempt to do to improve this nation? Got any fresh ideas?
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Responses: 227
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Executive Order to create term limits for the Senate and House of Reps. Because, if it is good enough for the goose, then it is good enough for the gander.
SGM Robert Moore
SGM Robert Moore
3 mo
Amn Roger Omberg - Be careful on who you are calling a fool.
SFC Benjamin Varlese
SFC Benjamin Varlese
3 mo
It was understood in the early days of the republic that individuals would serve for a couple of terms then return to their lives as farmers, blacksmiths, lawyers, etc. and not create a political class so i support this 109%
SFC Dwayne Barbee
SFC Dwayne Barbee
2 mo
Sorry but executive orders can’t remove a Constitutional Amendment.
SFC Barbara Layman
SFC Barbara Layman
2 mo
Term limits are established in the US Constitution. Cannot be done by Presidential Order.
It took the 25th amendment to the US Constitution to limit POTUS to two 4-year terms because of the concern after FDR's 4th term ended after his death on 12 Apr 1945.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited 8 y ago
Reopen Ellis Island and require all immigrants to register there (or somewhere like it) prior to being allowed to work. Issue a biometrics card that is very difficult to forge and require it for employment as a non-citizen. Fine heavily any business/ entity that disregards this rule and is found with undocumented workers. Require that this card be presented for any government benefits or non-emergency hospital visits.
Sit back and watch the magic happen.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
8 mo
Correction, Article 4 sec 4 says otherwise, BRO. & I quote, "The UNITED STATES SHALL GUARANTEE TO THE SEVERAL STATES TO A REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT & TO BE FREE FROM INVASION" Notice the Shall part. The low life's in the DEMONIC party,
has abandoned this particular writings of our constitutional framers, because it doesn't jive with their B.S. This can be found in the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES if You want to read it. I give You , the state of TEXAS uses that clause every day to shut down the OBIDEN administration each day, because if the GOVENOR DIDNT USE IT TEXAS WOULD BE NO MORE! Anytime the feds get out of control, the states put a trip clause in the federal statute, of the constitution because the Framer's did NOT trust the FEDS, as well as we know., so the exception is this "If YOU(FEDS) don't act according to this clause, then WE (THE STATES), have the GOD GIVEN RIGHT OF self defense, therein allows the states to properly defend themselves. NOW the tricky part begins, which says well if TEXAS, or any other, then can it not become free state that must defend itself? WE all know Texas has some experience in that, because it was a REPUBLIC, before Texas joined the union!
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
7 mo
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Two things, first, not having laws until the 1800s on immigration was driven by need. Prior to that, travel to the New World was so difficult that there simply weren't people coming in numbers requiring federal legislation. That didn't stop the several states (and indeed, the colonies before that) from enacting regulations. There also was the fact that folks would arrive via ship only and had limited ports to enter through, making it relatively simple to regulate.
Secondly, a century or frankly a decade ago, no one envisioned 2 million plus people streaming to our shores annually - and that's just the ones we "encounter" or know got away. That number is likely close to 3m annually.

Say what you will about the merits of current policy, but it is an unmitigated disaster to communities all over the country struggling to deal with the tsunami. And as someone with a heart for human trafficking, the untold story of what happens to all those unaccompanied minors is a stain on our nation.
SGM Robert Moore
SGM Robert Moore
4 mo
Amn Roger Omberg - trump is a traitor to this country and as far as I am concerned anyone that supports him is also a traitor. It's a shame those that support him can't see that. He has destroyed the Republican party and divided this great country. We've had boarder problems before most of us were born and we will continue to have them.
CSM Thomas Ray
CSM Thomas Ray
3 mo
SGM Robert Moore - Yeah, I know what you mean, I can't believe we had gas at $2.00 gallon, mortgage rates of 2.5%, food prices down 25%, immigration control, and that is what you call a traitor. Maybe you like having a senile, laughing stock president
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Illegal Immigrant or current illegal occupant,

Here is your bus ticket, there's the border. Bu-bye.

The Prez
SSG Eric Blue
SSG Eric Blue
9 mo
If they're sending them away like that, Melania better be in that group as well.
SP5 Wick Humble
SP5 Wick Humble
9 mo
Bob, is Petrarca a good ole' All-American name? No immigration there? Ans: Sure, it is; in a country of immigrants, is IS a good name as any. But who's offering you a boat ticket back to the old country?
My wife'*s family is Latino; they found themselves American citizens when the border moved in the 1840's. My pa-in-law served as PFC in the combat engineers in both New Guinea and Leyte/Luzon campaigns, and lost his younger bro to Japanese artillery fire on Luzon, incidentally.
Their family is not "going back", nor is mine to GB. Don't buy the MAGA howl; immigrants have been good for the USA. Bu-bye.
*Together 59 years now. (Two of her brothers Navy, one Marine!)
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
6 mo
SGM Robert Moore
SGM Robert Moore
4 mo
Lord help us if you are currently in charge of any Soldiers because leaders like you are what is dividing this country. Used to be racism in the military stayed in the shadows. Since trump it's been open season. I retired after 38yrs and NONE of my bosses (O6/7/8 bosses) would put up with your comment.
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