Posted on Aug 27, 2021
SSgt Timothy Prevost
To be clear, I'm not Anti Vax but I'm also not vaccinated. With all the immunizations and drugs the government has given us like anthrax, smallpox, doxycycline, mefloquine..etc. service members and Veterans are still concerned about the COVID-19 vaccine. Even after the FDA approved Pfizer, I was not planning on receiving the vaccine and would not have gotten it without being forced by the Military. Now that the pentagon mandated it, I obviously have no choice. I’m curious to hear other veteran/service members opinions are?
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Responses: 126
Lt Col Mark Avery
The military never misses an opportunity to remind me why retirement was the right call. No, I wouldn't get it until a regular vaccine (not an mRNA spike protein version) was fully through Phase 3 long term testing, which is the only way the FDA is supposed to grant full approval. Of the ones available in the USA, that is only the J&J product, and it's a LONG way from full Phase 3 testing completion. Of course, none of them can be because that phase takes three years to complete.
Which begs the question, how could any of the vaccines receive full FDA approval based on science rather than politics?
SPC Joel Quey
SPC Joel Quey
>1 y
SPC Dawn Appelberg (Johnson) - You don't remember the SARS scare from 2002 - 2004?

Also, while flu was much rarer (because so many people were masking, maintaining distances, etc), it still occurred
Cpl Henry E Busby
Cpl Henry E Busby
>1 y
SGT Lori Adams - Since some have chosen to politicize this, no one seems to read beyond their preconceived notions. That is a shame.
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins
>1 y
SGT Lori Adams - I don't remember "men" having a meeting and all agreeing to take Viagra. Must have missed that one... but broad brushes aside, nobody has ever been required by law to take Viagra, so I guess that was just an irrelevant misandrist flame.
Presonally, I have taken the vaccine, both steps. At this point, there is no real justification for forcing people to take booster after booster, and the fact that the vaccine is only effected for a few months affects the risk:reward ratio a fair bit. I am adamantly opposed to forcing people to take a medication that is no universally accepted and has not had time to go through the full screening process. The only reason there isn't more open opposition is because people who publicly even question the vaccines or suggest there are viable alternatives are shut down hard.
1px xxx
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>1 y
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins But it did go thru the full screening process. It has to. And the military routinely forces it members to take shit that probably isn’t universally accepted - thinking Anthrax.

The viagra comment as you must have missed was about how it was also quickly developed but we don’t seem to here any bitching about that. No one seems to care about the long term health effects of viagra. Seems a bit of a double standard.
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Capt Gregory Prickett
I was one of the first to be vaccinated, and did so not just for myself, but for society as a whole. It's my view that those who won't get vaccinated are not concerned about their fellow citizens.
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - There is a certain irony that most of your posts are insulting, at best, yet you are throwing "downvoted and blocked" down for anything other than lockstep approval of all you say.
At least now you won't be forced to see both sides of the issues, and can honestly say that everyone whose posts you see agrees with you.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins - There are all sorts of people who I disagree with but who I don't block or downvote.
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - But you do seem to insult them all.
Your choice. I don't know you. I just kinda see a trend, and it doesn't seem real productive. People who are attacked tend to defend themselves.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
SPC Stiv ChenRobbins - I insult the idiots who have stooped to that level first. If you want to have a discussion on the issues, that is preferable. I'm not really interested in a discussion on how I deal with the less-well equipped RPers.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
Of course. I got it long before it was mandated.
No one should have to be forced to be a responsible adult and/or to care about the people around us.
CDR Medical Corps Officer
CDR (Join to see)
3 y
How does the vaccine protect those around you? Do you know how the vaccine works? In actuality, it only affords YOU a lesser disease course. It also allows you to enjoy asymptomatic spread and contributes to mutations (diseases mutate to naturally get around threats to their existence when that threat doesn’t eradicate them… which these vaccines do not). Sincerely, a practicing physician.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
CDR (Join to see) - and what is your reason for opposing the current vaccine?
SPC Dawn Appelberg (Johnson)
SPC Dawn Appelberg (Johnson)
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - incorrect - we actually care deeply about others which is why we are demanding this be a personal choice. If the vaccine worked - which is is proving more and more to not only NOT work, but to be the actual reason people are now contracting variants - then you should not have to worry if my family does not get it. Out of the 12 I have buried recently - all were vaccinated and all died of blood clots, heart attacks, aneurisms, and breathing issues shortly after the second injection. my daughter's best friend at 16 has been to the ER now twice with heart issues after the shot. It should be as personal a choice as smoking or drinking.
TSgt John Brody
TSgt John Brody
>1 y
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