Posted on Jun 2, 2015
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
Isis iraq
A CIA veteran alleges that the Obama Administration simply does not understand how to combat ISIS. Is this assertion fair or unfair? What say you?
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Responses: 38
Col Joseph Lenertz
Had he studied war or conflict or strategy or history, he might have had a chance, just listening to his own counsel. He did not. He studied Law. Were he modest or humble, he may be able to recognize the value of those who have studied war and conflict and history and strategy, and he would surround himself with those experts and listen to them. He is not, does not, and will not. It is just not in this headstrong young man who thinks too highly of himself to listen to others.
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Col Joseph Lenertz, eloquently stated, Sir!
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
>1 y
Col Joseph Lenertz

While I do believe the truth will set you free, I am not sure that is the thinking at Joint Base Langley-Eustis or RallyPoint?
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
>1 y
Hmmm...I'm not sure it's the thinking anywhere, including Bentonville. I only speak for me.
1SG Special Forces Senior Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Col Joseph Lenertz Well said, the smartest people out there don't know everything. They know what the don't know and consult those that do.
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SGT William Howell
Not an Obama fan at all, but I don't think anybody has a clue how to combat religious fanaticals that have no borders. If you got a plan that will work you should run for president.
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
The long-term plan is more complicated....but Step 1 is squash them where they congregate in the open and in in Syria and Iraq.

And unfortunately, I'm not allowed to run for President as I was Naturalized. ;o)
COL Health Services Plans, Ops, Intelligence, Security,Training
COL (Join to see)
>1 y
All ideological conflict is global and without borders. It is fought through military, economical, political and diplomatic means. We have tried military influence for the past 2 decades, with little to no impact. We, have been fighting this ideology (theocratic totalitarianism) since Jefferson sent Marines to Tripoli on the Barbary Coast. We fought them in the Philippines in 1901 and 100 years later in the Middle East.

Unfortunately, Political Correctness has labeled our efforts to provide individual freedom and democracy as imperialism and oppression of religious freedom (the right to be Muslim). However, many recognize the the issues go beyond religion and Islam's influence goes beyond religion, influencing politics, economics, social behavior and every aspect of human life, often through threat of force.

Either we accept this alternative practice of governing or we combat it. The current administration treats the enemy as radical Muslims. Given the history, I believe it is much greater than that, requiring multi-generational conflict until the radicals are exterminated or we lose our democracy.
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
>1 y
I had an old soldier tell me one time that "in modern combat, the guy with the least fancy uniform always wins the war." Not sure if he was eluding to gorilla warfare, or that some countries are more worried on how they look than how they fight, but I think he was right.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
6 y
SGT William Howell - I believe what the old salt was alluding to was how the uniforms of losing military officers are always festooned with medals and pomp.
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MAJ Anne McGee
In any engagement you must first have the will to fight to win. I haven't seen anything from this Administration that demonstrates that.
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
>1 y
MAJ Anne McGee

While I have nothing I could disagree with what you posted, but I think the will to fight lies not only with the Administration?
MAJ Anne McGee
MAJ Anne McGee
>1 y
I understand, however, the Administration sets the agenda and if there was a well thought out, determined strategy that was presented to Congress for approval (purse strings), and communicated to the American people as the best way to defeat this enemy then a consensus can be gained and the will of the people behind it - but it all starts at the top....
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
This is a speech by a War President not a Paper Tiger.
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