Posted on Mar 6, 2014
SSG Robert Burns
How much more ridiculous can this stuff get.  The top prosecutor accused of assault by one of his subordinates in a hotel room at a sexual assault conference.  You can't even make this stuff up.  I have no doubt we will lose all control over any SHARP related prosecution/authority.
Posted in these groups: E1688309 SHARP
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Responses: 9
SFC Recruiter
Edited 11 y ago
SSG Burns,

I hate to say this, but I think the military needs to lose the authority to punish these people. This might be the only way that we can extinguish the fire from the ignition point. Start prosecuting them like any other criminal and just boot them with a dishonorable. Make it so they can't be forcibly retired. Strip them of what they earned because they never deserved to be in the service in the first place. These people deserve nothing. There is NO EXCUSE for what they do. If they make the punishment severe maybe than and only then will it be a deterrent. 

SFC Rosenlund

Edited for me to add this because this issue fires me up. I just think it's ridiculous. How much SHARP training do I need because I am a good Soldier.? Obviously everyone of these people committing these crimes (not UCMJ infractions) has been through this training to and the problem is not decreasing. At some point we have to quit coddling the subject like we owe him/her something. The people we owe are the victims and to see these dirt bags just transferred units or allowed to retire so we don't hurt their feelings just re victimizes the victim. Please for the love of all that is holy, start processing these people in the criminal court system, send them to jail, kick them out no benefits and I think we will quickly see a down turn in the problem we face.

And for that person that says what about the Soldier's family? Obviously they didn't care about their family when they were out sexually assaulting someone else and they knew what they were risking. Let that criminal get what they have coming to them. 

End rant.......stepping off soap box
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
11 y
That's what victims have been saying all along. Thank you SFC Rosenlund and every one else who supports this. 
SSG Robert Burns
SSG Robert Burns
11 y
I agree.  How much more failure do you need?
SFC Recruiter
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
SGT Newman,

I can agree, because they will most definitely need some type of professional medical counseling. 
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SGM Matthew Quick
What is going on?
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SFC Rear Detachment Ncoic
Are you serious?! It goes to show you that no one is safe from sex assaults and false accusations.
SFC Rear Detachment Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
11 y

SFC Rosenlund,

Two NCOs had false reports against them in my prior unit. So I know false reports happen. And sexual assaults can happen anywhere to anybody if you are acting professional or not. Sexual assault is just a bad thing both ways!

SGT First Officer
SGT (Join to see)
11 y
I am sorry but if the shoe fits...
SFC Recruiter
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
SSG Graves,

I suspect unfortunately that there wasn't any real punishment for the false accusers. It's too bad when that happens. As you pointed it out, it does happen on occasion. False accuser probably was angry that they weren't getting their way.
SFC Rear Detachment Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
I PCS'd so I dont know what happen but I do know one had to stay in Korea until the investigation was closed and even after it was closed he didnt get to leave for several months after his DEROS. As far as why the accuser did it I dont know but the DNA the accuser said was the accused turned out to be someone totally different.
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