Posted on Jun 16, 2021
Why do we get so upset when our candidate is not selected as POTUS?
It's been going on for years. With the US split almost equally, it is a given that someone will be disappointed. The right tolerated 8 years of Obama, and the left survived 4 years of Trump. It all evens out in the long run, so why should we think it's the end of the World? All responses welcomed.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
I'm just here with the popcorn to watch the inevitable right vs left name calling and personal attacks.
CPT Lawrence Cable
I try to avoid it here since most internet "debates" are like wrestling with a hog. You get muddy and smelly and the hog enjoys it. I only served under one President that voted for, and he was just the better of two evils at the time. If I had that one to do over, I would vote third party.
That does not mean that I agree with the direction the country has taken.
That does not mean that I agree with the direction the country has taken.
It is the policy changes that bother me the most, all the progress that was made under the GOP was trashed by the left as soon as they got into office. The Southern Border Crisis with all those unaccompanied children, drugs pouring in, rapists, and criminals among them. The American people's safety, health, and welfare should be always first. I for one do not want my tax dollars supporting any type of immigration unless it is legal immigration. We all have our opinions just like we all have assholes, I prefer all be done legally in accordance with the US immigration policies.
SSG (Join to see)
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - First Step Act, Space Force, killing ISIS' leader, lowering drug prices... should I continue?
I'm not here to pick sides -- even though I lean more conservative. The point is that Trump did SOME good in his tenure and I think people who discredit that completely are fools.
I'm not here to pick sides -- even though I lean more conservative. The point is that Trump did SOME good in his tenure and I think people who discredit that completely are fools.
Because we hate each other, if I disagree I am a racist, I am a racist because I am white, I am a baby killer because I am a Vietnam veteran, we as Americans, we voted for Obama because he was black not because he was good for our country, we voted for trump because we wanted a better way of life,then came Biden who I did not vote for an now we’re going down a hole our city’s are burning we are killing each other, our four fathers are turning over in their graves for we have become.
CWO3 (Join to see)
I reserve hatred for a true enemy to Family and our Nation, and these talking heads are mostly spineless. Just being a loyal American citizen is enough with me. Greed and hate brought us here.
SGT Gregory Cole
SPC Kevin Ford I know, everyone needs to get on the same page. All career politicians are evil. Need to do what Rome did. You must serve the country if you want to be a citizen and run for office.
SPC Kevin Ford
SGT Gregory Cole - I've always been a fan of mandatory public service. Not necessarily military service, we don't want a bunch of draftees who don't want to be there, but some type of community service. Even if it is spending two years picking up trash by the road, working in soup kitchen, building roads, some sort of approved activity to contribute and show that we are working and contributing towards our community/society/country.
SGT Gregory Cole
SPC Kevin Ford That is serving ones country, indeed. I think itd make better citizens.
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