Posted on Jun 6, 2021
Is it possible to reenlist in the Marine Corps with RE-3F discharge code?
And how difficult would it be? In a case of failure to adapt. Provided one takes all the necessary steps to overcome the issue.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Have you discussed this with a recruiter? RE-3F is for an erroneous enlistment. That is way different that failure to adapt. The best thing you can do is discuss this with a recruiter and get a real assessment on your chances. There is generally a waiver for most things but I will be honest in saying that if you had previously been shown the door because of an erroneous enlistment the odds are not in your favor.
Cameron Lozano
My discharge papers state no fraud under discharge type. Reasoning is classed as ELPAC.
Cameron Lozano
I made a huge mistake when I was 18. I was juvenile, and immature. This decision has always been my biggest regret, if theirs anything I could do to increase my chances then I’d be willing to do it!
SSgt Christophe Murphy
Cameron Lozano - I understand what is written in the comments portion but RE-3F is used to describe erroneous enlistments. That is why you need to talk to a recruiter. It may just be a generic catch all they use for ELS. Recruiters can help you navigate this and also give you a direct answer to wether or not the juice is worth the squeeze. It won't be easy but you may be able to plead your case and give it another shot.
Why? If you failed to adapt once, why should the Corps give you another chance? Could you adapt to another program?
It is extremely difficult to get a waiver for the RE-3F (ELPAC/No Fraud), especially since your discharge document will be part of the packet submitted to get your waiver. Your discharge document shows a pattern of misconduct and a failure to train. The 4-star that will have to approve the waiver will most likely not approve. You will also find that it will be the same across all the services, including the Guard and Reserves. You got your opportunity and wasted it. I wish the best of luck on your future endeavors.
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