Posted on Jun 1, 2021
SGT JoyceAnn Richmond
I suspect this young "gentleman" of stolen valor; he says he almost graduated from Marine boot camp but washed out due to a heart condition. He has a poor reputation in this county and he's a known liar.
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Responses: 124
Cpl Vic Burk
Personally I wouldn't give this clown the time of day but if he actually enlisted he will have a copy of his enlistment contract. If not this, ask who the recruiter was that signed him up. The fact that he didn't finish boot camp means he is not a Marine. You don't get the title until you finish training, period, end of sentence.
SFC Christopher Burns
SFC Christopher Burns
>1 y
MAJ Alan Montgomery
MAJ Alan Montgomery
>1 y
SPC Jerry S - Seems we were there at the same time 1st Bed, 1st ID and proud of every day - TET wasn't so much fun but it answered the only question in life that's important. Most civilians, especially those who ran to Canada and their off-spring, will die and never know the answer, but all soldier will know and join their brothers knowing their metal
SGT Glenn E Moody
SGT Glenn E Moody
>1 y
every branch is like that. if you don't make it to the end of boot & AIT for what ever reason you don't get the title. plus if he had A heart condition you don't even get in i tried to re-enlist after 9/11/2001 happened i failed the EKG they said if i could get A civilian doctor to sign off they would take me back i was 40 I got out 1987 so that said I say BS to going until the end with A heart condition
Cpl David Newton
Cpl David Newton
2 y
Unfortunately, I do know a person that did NOT make it all the way through Basic Training, due to medical. And, sometime after he returned to civilian life, he received an Honorable Discharge from the USMC. I Also know a guy that served in the Navy for 4 years, re-upped then after he received his signing bonus he went AWOL. Years later, the Navy changed his discharge to General under Honorable conditions. So, there is some crap that takes place. Semper Fi Marines.
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SSgt Investigative Analyst
He answered your question, Sergeant Richmond. He said he washed out of boot. Regardless of the reason, no veteran benefits or status were conferred.
PO3 David Mabo
PO3 David Mabo
>1 y
LCDR Jerry Maurer - Yes, if discharged due to an injury incurred in initial training, then it is a service connected injury and a SC veteran. Boot, basic and AIT have a few medical discharges each year.
SPC Chris Ison
SPC Chris Ison
>1 y
This is not true. HE is eligible for VA services. The only way he wouldn't be is if had enlisted fraudulently, by hiding the heart condition.

(2) The term “veteran” means a person who served in the active military, naval, air, or space service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable.
SSG Norbert Johnson
SSG Norbert Johnson
2 y
SPC Chris Ison - Sorry SPC Chris Ison. He is neither a Veteran nor eligible for Veterans Services or benefits. 24 months AD for the pathway to Veteran Status. My Nephew served 22 months on AD, was discharged Honorably and denied VA services and benefits. 90 days was required for Vietnam Service era. My Cousin left as a RECRUIT in the Marines... Neither Marine nor a Veteran status gained. I have a younger brother that got an Entry Level Discharge... did not make it as far as Basic Training because of a Blood anomaly. He enlisted during Vietnam War. His claim to fame is that he he stood when others ran... went to the party but left before the show!
SPC Chris Ison
SPC Chris Ison
2 y
SSG Norbert Johnson -
My wife's uncle joined the Army at 16, illegally; If was then discharged and at 18 he joined again, never made past fort dix, he not only is considered a Vietnam era veteran, he receives a VA pension because he is a worthless piece of shit.

Depending on the ELS you may or n may not be entitled benefits. Since IET and AIT are training environments you may not be eligible for benefits. But if you are in Basic and you get hurt the Army fucking owes you.

i am going to quote the fucking law one more time since you seem to think that the law doesn't apply:

38 U.S.C. § 101(2) provides:
The term "veteran" means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable.

This is the definition that defines who is and is not a veteran it is a part of Title 38 United States Code.

It is modified by the following RULE:

13 CFR § 125.11 provides:
Veteran has the meaning given the term in 38 U.S.C. 101(2). A Reservist or member of he
National Guard called to Federal active duty or disabled from a disease or injury incurred or aggravated in line of duty or while in training status also qualify as a veteran.

My Nephew served 22 months on AD, was discharged Honorably and denied VA services and benefits.
Your nephew is lying.

90 days was required for Vietnam Service era. This is not the Vietnam Era.

My Cousin left as a RECRUIT in the Marines... Neither Marine nor a Veteran status gained.
I have a younger brother that got an Entry Level Discharge... did not make it as far as Basic Training because of a Blood anomaly.
Since Boot/Basic is a training environment not a veteran:

38 U.S.C. § 101(21) provides:
The term “active duty” means — (A) full-time duty in the Armed Forces, other
than active duty for training;

Now if you are injured in boot you receive benefits period. We have no idea what this guys real story is. He could have contracted scarlet fever and was discharged due to heart damage.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Well, by his own words he never finished training, therefore has not earned the right to the title of Marine. But, you could always try to submit for his records under the FOIA.
PO3 Tarb Myers
PO3 Tarb Myers
>1 y
Your DD-214 is a legacy doccument and possibly a benefits doccument if entitllement proof is needed. If some yahoo that means nothing to me asked to see my DD-214 for no need, other than to satisfy their nosey ass, I would have a request too. That would be Piss off!!!
SPC Caroline Avila
SPC Caroline Avila
>1 y
PFC David Lambert - Exactly, because if you served in the military, EVERYTHING, and I mean everything has a beginning and an end in paper trail. Signing a contract at the recruiter is your beginning, you are obligated to move forward to arriving to your reported duty station, basic training area. DD214 states you are "DONE", " THE END", giving you status of what your end is. Whether the contract was fulfilled or not, among other info.
Sgt Rich Lambert
Sgt Rich Lambert
>1 y
When I left the "Vacationland" of South East Asia I took ALL my records with me. IF I had lost them I was told they were not recoverable.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Sgt Rich Lambert they are recoverable....but it depends. How long ago, where stored....and if that place (where ever) burned down
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