Posted on May 27, 2015
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
Cray parents
I ask this because this is something that has happened fairly recently. You know, us coaches can't make all of the "Parents" happy. (It should be how we make all of the kiddos. Although, that sometimes doesn't happen either.)

I am growing tired of parents yelling at their children while they are on the field. 8 and under y'all. 8. I actually had to tell moms and dad to be quiet. For the umpire to jump in as well, you know it was pretty loud.

I cannot express enough how important it is to let your kiddos know that no matter win or lose, bad or good grade, the most important thing is that they tried their best. My daughter will tell you. If she tried her best and that was her very best, it doesn't matter the grade, I will not be upset. (unless it happens you know like 5 times in a row or something and then we know she is using moms.) It doesn't matter if she didn't catch that ball, or throw that strike, or didn't tag the girl. They are too young still right now and they are still learning the mechanics.

A mom text me yesterday b/c our team had to reschedule PICTURE day (no we had no game or anything.) b/c all of the players were not going to be there. On and on and on. Glad it was text. In person might've been something different.

Anyways, have you experienced any of these Cray Cray Parents? If you have experienced the Cray Cray Parents, how did you respond? Are you the Cray Cray Parent?
Posted in these groups: Armyfb Sports
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 8
CSM Charles Hayden
Actions like that make me ashamed to live on the same planet as the gross parent in the video clip.
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WO1 Intelligence Officer (S2)
Edited >1 y ago
Lisa on ice 133
Lisa on ice 106
Lisa on ice 105
Lisa on ice 131
Children's sports are serious!
If I ever have kids they will compete for my love through sports!
Rabble rabble rabble!

Or not.
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CPT Bob Moore
I've coached several sports, both as a volunteer coach and a paid coach. I coached 5 year olds playing basketball all the way to high school football. I have seen a lot of craziness.

I learned early in my coaching career to set the expectations early for the parents. I have actually had very young kids pulled off of my team by the parents because the parents didn't like those expectations.

I have always allowed parents to ask me questions as long as they did not do it in front of the team. As a coach (or in any leadership position, for that matter), I should be able to explain why I am doing what I am doing. If kid A plays more than kid B, as a coach I should know why and be able to explain that. Sometimes that parents don't like my answer, but at least I can explain it.
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