Posted on Apr 23, 2021
Which Covid-19 vaccines cause blood clots in the brain and which vaccines are effective against the 'Double Mutant' mutation of Covid-19?
COVID-19 has inundated our lives with the waves of attacks, from the 1st wave to the 3rd and perhaps even the fourth. Vaccines were prepared after the infection caused by the Covid-19 virus to tame the infection and create herd immunity quickly. A couple of vaccines have been found to cause blood clots in the brain, which is more dangerous than not taking the vaccination. A couple other vaccines have logistical requirements to sustain efficacy till injected. In some parts these logistics are very difficult to create and sustain. In the meantime, the virus RNA has mutated creating different strains in several countries across the globe. In one case, the virus had become more deadly by mutating into a 'Double Mutant' RNA. Which vaccine can protect us against this more dangerous variant of Covid-19?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
There is a viral formula that states that after a certain amount cases you start to see mutations at x amount of cases. Right now we see a new major mutation every 12-20 days. Brazil, UK, South African, now an Indian version.
Currently, all the US vaccines seem to be mostly effective against them. Only time will tell if the current vaccines will stay effective.
The million-dollar question is if and how many boosters we will need.
Currently, all the US vaccines seem to be mostly effective against them. Only time will tell if the current vaccines will stay effective.
The million-dollar question is if and how many boosters we will need.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
According to the research on the Covid-19 RNA and its mutations, only two booster shots are required.
Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines seem the most effective despite variant mutations. Aestra zenteca casues clots of blood and perhaps brains hence we don't use it here. Johnson and Johnson is causing issues in women 45 and under no issues for men as of yet. Also we still have second generation vaccines being worked on that are still in the pipeline not getting as much funding to be approved at a letter date. Now Pfizer is testing how to make its vaccine more durable in more warmer and humid climates to be able to get their vaccine to more income restricted markets. Boosters for current moderna and Pfizer are being worked on as we speak. The FDA, CDC, and Department of health will decide if and when they will be needed as boosters.
The ones at high risk for clots (and that risk is still low) are women between 18 and 45. Pfizer doesn't seem to cause that problem
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