Posted on Apr 19, 2021
Will China ever stand down from its expansionism or will non-aggression prevent China from achieving its OBOR and MSR initiatives?
China has sparred along the LAC with India claiming Indian territory. China claims Taiwan, yet Taiwan wants to be democratic and, not communistic. China is building islands and reefs in the SCS and wants to control thoroughfares on the high seas and natural resources in the mineral-rich region. It wants the Quad to quit its joint exercises in the area because it is provocative to China. Is China attempting to develop its empire by cheating other countries and capitalize on their ignorance?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
I would say that China will continue it's expansion goals for the near future.
Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis
China's long term will depend on the long term of its economy. If we recall the history of the Soviet Union, it was their heedless ambition to match the US militarily that ruined their economy. North Korea is doing the same thing, BTW.
What the US needs to watch for is that China holds a great deal of the bonds to the US National Debt. In short, because of our heedless spending we're in debt to China. I understand that a certain amount of spending was necessary to tide folks over while we were in COVID lock down, but I am afraid that the current Congress and Administration has grown too used to it and will spend us further into debt. In an episode of "Madam Secretary" the Chinese Ambassador said "We don't have to make war on you, we only have to repossess our property."
The best response the US has to China is continued economic prosperity. China is limited by the fact that the CCCP (Chinese Central Communist Party) has the utmost priority of staying in power. There is no priority for the CCCP that is greater than that, even economic prosperity. If those two should ever conflict, power will always be chosen. In the US, our number one priority is the State of the Union, where economic prosperity is inextricably tied. Unfortunately, I am not convinced that the current Administration or Congress has shown that they are aware of that. I am willing to be proven wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.
What the US needs to watch for is that China holds a great deal of the bonds to the US National Debt. In short, because of our heedless spending we're in debt to China. I understand that a certain amount of spending was necessary to tide folks over while we were in COVID lock down, but I am afraid that the current Congress and Administration has grown too used to it and will spend us further into debt. In an episode of "Madam Secretary" the Chinese Ambassador said "We don't have to make war on you, we only have to repossess our property."
The best response the US has to China is continued economic prosperity. China is limited by the fact that the CCCP (Chinese Central Communist Party) has the utmost priority of staying in power. There is no priority for the CCCP that is greater than that, even economic prosperity. If those two should ever conflict, power will always be chosen. In the US, our number one priority is the State of the Union, where economic prosperity is inextricably tied. Unfortunately, I am not convinced that the current Administration or Congress has shown that they are aware of that. I am willing to be proven wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.
I believe that many Americans do not understand that China is not really one big homogeneous mass. There are regional cultural and language differences far bigger than the difference between a white, Anglo-Saxon protestant El Paso Texas and a Palestinian, Muslim immigrant from Brooklynn New York. In addition, there are vast difference in wealth and economic opportunity. Some rural Chinese still live on less than $1000 per year and rely heavily on subsistence farming. Major metropolitan areas have by comparison vast wealth per person and great opportunity for upward mobility.
I believe that within the next 50-100 years, possibly sooner, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will make a major misstep and that will spark the powder keg. Probably far worse than what is going on in our country now. And that will probably force the CCP to give up any dreams of expansion, possibly it will cause them to give up control of some less economically viable areas, or areas with a built-in resistance to rule from Beijing. If it goes really bad it could lead to some sort of Balkanization.
I believe that within the next 50-100 years, possibly sooner, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will make a major misstep and that will spark the powder keg. Probably far worse than what is going on in our country now. And that will probably force the CCP to give up any dreams of expansion, possibly it will cause them to give up control of some less economically viable areas, or areas with a built-in resistance to rule from Beijing. If it goes really bad it could lead to some sort of Balkanization.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
Excuse me Maj John Bell, Sir, I find your explanation awesome and at par with the internal dynamics of China.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
I talked to a Navy Capt. who stated some think the Covid-19 virus was given to their own people in response to protesting. Then, it went around the world. But the CCP survived stronger.
A group of Marxists that can do that to their own kind, will not care how anyone else thinks of them. Full speed ahead until met with overwhelming force I think.
A group of Marxists that can do that to their own kind, will not care how anyone else thinks of them. Full speed ahead until met with overwhelming force I think.
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