Posted on Apr 18, 2021
What regulation states what CIF does not have to issue?
Gathering data on what to tell Soldiers to not throw away from wear and tear, thereby saving money.
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
1. You don't throw away any gear unless you want to buy it. 2. Damaged/unfit gear (in your mind) should be taken to the supply NCOIC for verification and determination. 3. Do what he says, if it is CIF issue they can arrange a Direct (e)Xchange for the item.
It's not a matter of what CIF will issue or not issue, it's a matter of what is turned back in or not. Your clothing record dictates what is ETS/PCS transferrable. If it's not Transferrable but has wear and tear, get with your unit supply to get that item turned in and exchanged.
Download your clothing record. It will say right on it what you can keep. ETS and PCS Trans. Yes on both means you can keep it / throw it away.
LTC Jason Mackay
CIF has to validate the AKO generated record may be incorrect for those fields. Seen for and against the soldier
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