Posted on Mar 5, 2021
SPC Infantryman
I start leave next week on Wednesday, March 10th. Between my BC taking 2 months to sign my leave form and my S1 messing up my transition packet 3 times, I barely got put in for orders today so now i’m just waiting on that. CIF says that it’ll take 2 weeks AFTER I get my orders to get an appointment scheduled. 1sgt says that they will do a proxy clearing for me after the battalion gets back from leave so that I can go to my job interview in Texas. How risky is this? Does this mean I wont have my DD214? Would signing my ta-50 over on a 2062 along with a memorandum make someone else accountable for my gear?
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Responses: 5
CPT Company Commander
That is not how you Proxy clear. I have proxy cleared several Soldiers. The only means we were able to proxy clear them was if they were detained by law enforcement or by mental health care, or if they were AWOL. You have to cautious with this. There's a federal law that species what you are required to do for when you clear. I would try to get your command to do a memo for expediated clearing. They should be able to get you in. You are required to clear. The Army civilians will not let you leave without a final stamp. You need to notify your command of your situation. We had a Soldier that was not able to transition out by the time of his ETS and we had to notify our Division command. If you have some time you need to make this happen.
SSG Laurie Mullen
SSG Laurie Mullen
>1 y
I agree with you on the expedited CIF clearing. I did it twice prior to PCSing with a memo from the Company Commander.
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LTC Jason Mackay
Proxy clearing is what they do for deserters and people in jail. If your 1SGsaid he’d support it, recommend getting a joint inventory of your CIF turn in and have that person sign a 2162. Take pictures. You should BE able to make your appointment for the DD214 and get it completed before leave. I’d want that in person.

The big issue is final finance the day you ETS. That holds your pay hostage until the audit is complete. No FLIPLs or Gov debt speeds that up.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
Adding to that
Usually a DD214 is held until all other post clearing is done

I’d be surprised If an SM can get a DD 214 with that special exception by somebody in senior authority
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
How risky is this?

How risky is it to trust thousands of dollars of gear to someone else? That's how risky it is.

The smart thing is to reschedule your leave. Travel to Texas for your job interview and come back to clear. If you can't afford that then you haven't planned well enough to transition and may want to stay longer to save more money
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