Posted on May 16, 2015
SGT Kevin Brown
The 2nd Amendment indentifies that a militia is necessary for the security of of a free state. Do you support the militia as it stands today? If so, would you consider joining one after you are out? If you do not support the militia in todays society, why not?
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CW2 Joseph Evans
This really is a loaded question.

Your interpretation of what a "militia" is makes the difference to a lot of people.

The National Guard is the approved State Militia.
The Reserves are the on-call federal Militia.
Both are well regulated and registered and in most cases, universally approved.

The freeman and independent militias are a completely different story though. I would guess it depends on the charter of the militia and the character of it's members... I tend to reserve judgment based on what I see.
PO2 Josh Rymer
PO2 Josh Rymer
10 y
I think if the government has a hand in it then it is not a militia it is a military. A militia is the citizens of a local area. And there are people in the military who think and teach classes, that say the founding fathers where terrorist. But I have a shirt that some people don't like it says, our founding fathers would be shooting by now. And that is right I bet they are rolling in their graves because what they stood for and what the constitution stands for is to limit the power of the government not the people.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
10 y
CDR Michael Goldschmidt, The "selective service"... and the Sheriff's posse.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
10 y
PO2 Josh Rymer , there is the concept of the "Posse"... It is essentially a militia under the control of the sheriff, deputies on call.
CDR Michael Goldschmidt
CDR Michael Goldschmidt
10 y
No, Mr. Evans, militias are not federal. The Elective Service is. Please see the Militia Act of 1958, which covers the Militia, of course, but NOT the Draft.
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PO2 Josh Rymer
Yes I support the state militia, because it is of the people. Anytime you have to choose between the American people and the government I choose the people every time. If there was a militia close to me I would join. In the words of George Washington " if the government takes away the citizens right to bear arms it becomes the citizens duty to take away the governments right to govern". And a militia is the citizens who would be able to do that.
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PO1 John Miller
If the militia is recognized by their state government, yes. If they aren't, no. I won't get into specifics as to why I don't support "private" militias here, suffice to say I don't support them.
SPC Korey R.
SPC Korey R.
10 y
There are no "private" militias. Unless you are talking of Private Security Contractors. That's why the"... Right of the People to keep and Bear Arms..." is written the way it is.
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
10 y
Well, I've looked into some of these militias and they are what some would consider "far right wing bordering on lunacy" for advocating such things as overthrowing the government with force, etc. To me that is a private, or Communist, force.
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