Posted on Dec 29, 2020
SGT Cannon Crew Member
I’m a 13B and I’ve spent the last 3 years at my 2nd duty station (Hawaii) and am reenlisting for airborne. What are the realistic chances they would send me to Germany after jump school? I really don’t want to be overseas for another 3 years nahmean? Rather be at Bragg
Posted in these groups: SgtField artillery branch insignia 13B: Cannon Crew Member
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Responses: 4
SFC Retention Operations Nco
There are five Airborne Field Artillery Battalions (AFAB) in the Army, actually I think the the whole world. Three are in Bragg, one in Germany, and one in Alaska. So, 60% of the 13B are in Bragg, 20% in Germany, 20% in Alaska.

But to do consecutive overseas tours you have to request another tour, so you're going to Bragg as your follow on assignment
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
4 y
SFC (Join to see) - I think the BSB is in Germany as well.
CPT Charles Creed
CPT Charles Creed
4 y
SFC (Join to see) - I can totally appreciate the logistics of the situation, especially as I come from LG. I presume more training opportunities with the NCO school at Graf and the other school houses, although I don't know what Italy had to offer, besides wine and culture (which you have to travel away from Graf to get the good stuff).
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
4 y
CPT Charles Creed I think it comes down to Italy wants us there and they have paratroopers as well.
WO1 Intel Nco
WO1 (Join to see)
4 y
MAJ Javier Rivera I spent 6 years at bragg and now waiting to PCS back there in a few months, we loved bragg!
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Sgt Karen Schleif
Hawaii is the United States, not necessarily overseas.
SGT Pat Adamekj
SGT Pat Adamekj
4 y
Considered overseas assignment
Sgt Karen Schleif
Sgt Karen Schleif
4 y
Yeah, you're right, SGT Pat...we are in the middle of a huge pond called the Pacific Ocean. We are the most isolated place on earth. But we get so tired of being treated like a foreign country. Many mainland businesses "don't ship to Hawaii". Mail goes both ways...and we actually use US currency here. Tourist come and comment how "back in the States" we have, we do, etc. We have to remind them that they are standing in a state...the 50th to be exact. Here we call the lower 48 the Mainland. Alaska is just Alaska. But even Alaska is not always considered part of the continental US. My map shows it's the same continent. Hmmm...
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
There are opportunities for an overseas assignment as an AB Artillerist, there are also many Soldiers looking to go overseas, your odds are what they are, contact Branch and ask.
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