I've alway known about TSP through the Army, but I never really followed it or really understood it for that matter. I have some funds in it, nothing you could really retire on.
What would be a good direction to look towards for planning a retirement fund. TSP, Mutal Funds, IRAs, CD, bonds, etc?? Should I invest with USAA? I heard that was a good and easy way to go.
I've been with USAA for 24 years and I can tell you that they have been a great organization. I'm not a financial advisor but most literature you pick up will tell you that you have to decide what your acceptable risk level is. Mutual funds are riskier than CDs. An IRA is just a type of account that can contain a mutual fund or multiple mutual funds, or CDs, or bonds, or whatever. An IRA is basically an agreement between yourself, the IRS, and whatever institution you are investing with. It means you are telling the IRS you are saving for your own retirement and so they are "rewarding" you by giving you tax breaks.
Back to USAA, if you go with them, they do have financial advisors that can help you get started and at no extra cost.