83% Complete
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18 Contacts
Influence Score: 5,753
705 out of 130,233 E-5s
705 out of 130,233 E-5s
SGT Joseph Collaro enlisted in the Army under the Delayed Entry Program in 1997 and entered basic training at Ft Leonard Wood, MO on Jan 16, 1998, followed by Advance Individual Training at Ft. Jackson, SC. He was awarded the MOS of 63S, Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. SGT Collaro served his first term on Active Duty and completed a tour in support of Operation Southern Watch in 2000. He was Honorably Discharged in 2002. In 2004, SGT Collaro was called out of the IRR to serve in support of OIF III and Honorably Discharged in 2006. In 2007 SGT Collaro reenlisted back on Active Duty and sent to Ft. Stewart, GA where he again deployed to Iraq in support of OIF 07-09. After that he was sent to Ft. Bliss, TX where he served in 5/1 AD Army Evaluation Task Force (AETF). When the unit was disbanded SGT Collaro was reassigned to his current assignment with E FSC 125th BSB 3/1 AD serving as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic Team Leader.