Posted on Oct 17, 2020
How are Class VIII MES Combat Medic Kits shown on a hand receipt?
I am with the medical section in an FA BN. We have 6 x MES COMBAT MEDIC-2012 that are on the commanders hand receipt. These items are serialized on the hand receipt with an ACN... s/n. When I reference the component listing there are only four durable items: stehoscope, pulse ox, leg splint, and aid bag. During inspection, the inspecting officer only cares about the serialized item listed on the hand receipt and not the durable components. It is my interpretation that the MES Combat Medic kit IS NOT serialized, and that the ACN number only references the component listing. Can anyone speak to how they have the MES Combat Medic kit's on their hand receipts?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
When you lay out 6 MES Combat Medic sets, CDR wants to see that you have 6 identical items. The MES is not serialized, but he still needs to see that you have it by laying out exactly 6 aid bags. Durables and other components are handled at the user-level, i.e. if I sign you an aid bag and you lose the pulse ox, you’re buying a new one.
My aid bags (we have 9, 6 for line guys and one each 3 ambulances) are listed on GCSS Army hand receipt in a similar fashion. Because of the lack of serial number, GCSS Army creates one.
My aid bags (we have 9, 6 for line guys and one each 3 ambulances) are listed on GCSS Army hand receipt in a similar fashion. Because of the lack of serial number, GCSS Army creates one.
SGT (Join to see)
That's what I figured. I am going to have the S4 draft a memo so that future inspectors understand the s/n is just a reference to the MES Combat Medic component listing, which is where he/she should look for the inspectable durable items. Thanks for the the help.
SGT (Join to see) They are likely ignoring the consumable nondurable items in the Component listing/supply catalogue. The MES should be resupplied by the C Co. unsure if GcSS-A is being used to drop the material reservation in the supply system or if this is a hand written req on a 2765-1.
If it goes by GCSS-A, then there will need to be funds put against it in GFeBS so the reservations clear the ZPARK.
Unsure how you do that in the ARNG. The Medlog section of the BSB support operations, the C Co MED Supply Section, or the BN MEDO should be able to help you. On the AD side either the C Co medical supply section or the MTF Med log would receive, store, issue, account for and retrograde these supplies. You'll probably need to,open an account with a signature card with the servicing medical logistics entity. The BN S4 or BSB SPO needs to help you establish an account. Your Co XO/Supply Sergeant need to help you with this. They'll need to facilitate getting the right DODAAC, UIC and funding information to open the account mentioned above.
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If it goes by GCSS-A, then there will need to be funds put against it in GFeBS so the reservations clear the ZPARK.
Unsure how you do that in the ARNG. The Medlog section of the BSB support operations, the C Co MED Supply Section, or the BN MEDO should be able to help you. On the AD side either the C Co medical supply section or the MTF Med log would receive, store, issue, account for and retrograde these supplies. You'll probably need to,open an account with a signature card with the servicing medical logistics entity. The BN S4 or BSB SPO needs to help you establish an account. Your Co XO/Supply Sergeant need to help you with this. They'll need to facilitate getting the right DODAAC, UIC and funding information to open the account mentioned above.
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SGT (Join to see)
Thank you for the feedback. I was having an issue trying to explain to the inspecting officer that the serial number on the hand receipt for the MES was not a real s/n for a piece of equipment, and that he needed to look at the component listing for the inspectable items in the kit.
LTC Jason Mackay
SGT (Join to see) - its commanders discretion to further control the property. If you don't count the MES like a truck, tank, or rifle it won't be ready when needed. Also helps when there is a dollar crunch and you have to justify the class VIIi dollars. Makes no sense in line Company land, but the G8 fun house mirror logic, it makes sense.
A lot of this is discretionary, sort of. When I was in a GA unit, our platoon leadership expected our MES sets to be dress right dress down to the number of expendable items in the box. Don't get caught with 3 extra field dressings or with 19 4×4s instead of 20.
The other thing it might be necessary to educate leadership on that I don't see reference to is variance in like items. Any medic worth his saline bags knows those $5 stethoscopes the Army used to pass off as functional don't work for squat. So sometimes it's realistic that 1st platoons medic is working with a $20 dual sided scope while 2nd's medic got a Gen II Littman at a paramedic's yard sale. Not all SAM splints are the same color. Triangular dressings sometimes come in colors other than CARC paint green.
The other thing it might be necessary to educate leadership on that I don't see reference to is variance in like items. Any medic worth his saline bags knows those $5 stethoscopes the Army used to pass off as functional don't work for squat. So sometimes it's realistic that 1st platoons medic is working with a $20 dual sided scope while 2nd's medic got a Gen II Littman at a paramedic's yard sale. Not all SAM splints are the same color. Triangular dressings sometimes come in colors other than CARC paint green.
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