Posted on Oct 11, 2020
Do you get to choose which branch you can commission into in the national guard?
I knownyou dont get a choice on the active component but in the NG do you have a better choice choosing your mos? I want to either be a 15A or 67J and was wanting to know if i can choose either before i reup to become an officer.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
You go through an accessions process where you make your preferences known. The branching process just changed. You will need to complete all the preflight requirements, like a flight physical. There is the SIFT.
I don't know if one is able to still obtain a letter of acceptance by a unit commander for ARNG and USAR units. You obtained that letter against an open slot, and that is what you branched, assuming you were otherwise qualified.
Go to an aviation or MEDEVAC unit and request an office call with the commander.
This article also has posts to the new market place model as well as the commissioning source branching processes.
I don't know if one is able to still obtain a letter of acceptance by a unit commander for ARNG and USAR units. You obtained that letter against an open slot, and that is what you branched, assuming you were otherwise qualified.
Go to an aviation or MEDEVAC unit and request an office call with the commander.
This article also has posts to the new market place model as well as the commissioning source branching processes.

How do I choose an Army Branch?: A Framework | RallyPoint
The purpose of this article is to address one of the biggest Rally Point questions among Army ROTC Cadets: I am a with a major in , which branch should I choose? One of my goals is to help you filter through what you will get back. After all, don’t we all turn to the nameless, faceless internet trolls to determine our future? The immediate challenge is that the people responding are well intentioned but generally don’t know you from Adam....
Unless something major has changed. If you have a letter of acceptance from a BN commander with a slot for the branch you want, you get that branch.
You get branched based on slots in your state. For example, if there aren't any ADA units in your state, your state probably has few, if any ADA officer slots.
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