Posted on Sep 18, 2020
Does prior service with a 2 year break get issued new uniforms when arriving at ait?
I’m prior service, I was active duty for 4 years 8 months and I have been out for 2.5 years. I’m going active duty again and going from meps to ait next month, do I get issued new uniforms or will I have to pay out of pocket for them? I didn’t exactly keep anything when I went irr
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
I believe, but may be mistaken that you only get issued new uniforms if the break in service was 4 or more years OR the uniforms you ETSed with are no longer an operational pattern
SSG (Join to see)
I got out in 2018 when ocp just became mandatory, I only bought one uniform because I was etsing. I’m just trying to gather some useful information so I don’t end up at Ait in civilians and have to scramble for uniforms and clothing.
They will issue you new uniforms. I was out of service 10 days short of 4 years and when I went back in they counted my 2 years inactive reserve time towards my pay. So when I reentered as an E4 with previous pay of 4 years to an E4 with 6 years.
SSG (Join to see)
That’s what my recruiter told me was going to happen with my pay, I’ll be an E4 with 6 years of service. But he’s not sure about the whole uniform thing.
Yes, I got out with ACU's and was issued a new pair of OCPS when going to AIT, while a prior service with like a 1.5 as a veteran came back without any uniforms at all and were issued OCPS, Clothing, and Sales will give you issues though
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