Posted on Apr 30, 2015
SFC Platoon Sergeant
Been in 17 years now, not new to what to expect military wise, what does Riley have to offer, housing, things to do etc...?
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Responses: 4
COL Jean (John) F. B.
SFC (Join to see)

Although I cannot answer your question about what units are currently at Ft Riley or specifics about housing, etc., I nonetheless, wanted to share my experience about Ft Riley with you.

When I was a brand new LTC and about to take command of a battalion, I was notified that I would be going to Ft Riley, KS, instead of Ft Bragg, where I wanted to go, as the battalion at Bragg was open the following year. My boss, a USA LTG (0-9), offered to get me deferred a year by refusing to release me, which I was seriously considering. Although I had never been to Ft Riley, I had never heard anything good about it.

An Army BG (0-7), who worked for my boss, took me to lunch for a heart-to-heart discussion and told me that he had been assigned to Ft Riley twice and that he considered those assignments as the highlights of his career. He recommended that I simply go ahead and take the command at Riley, as scheduled.

I listened to him and I have to say that it was one of the best decisions of my life. My family and I loved Ft Riley and still consider it as one of our best assignments. I have never been assigned to a post where the civilian community supported soldiers like the community of Junction City, Kansas, and, to a lesser degree, Manhattan, Kansas. Fort Riley is a very traditional post and is a great place to soldier and the area is a great place for families.

My battalion deployed to DESERT STORM while I was there and our families got phenomenal support from the local merchants/community and the Ft Riley support services.

The quarters were old, but wonderful, and post facilities were more than adequate.

All in all, I loved Ft Riley and would have welcomed a follow-on assignment there any time.
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SSG Motor Sergeant
Well, I has been to Ft. Riley in 28 years but I was told by one of my best friends that it has not changed much. Just get use to the open plains and no ocean. Milford lake is the hang out for some soldiers. Junction City has changed a little. Lawrence is ok Manhattan is a college party site. You have town called Ogden, which is a half of city block long and on cop. Beware of Barney Phife
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SPC Carl K.
I was there for almost a year while working for Dyncorp on the RESET program with the Blackhawks. Like MAJ Ken Landgren said, you have to go to Manhattan to get any decent stores or anything. Junction City does not offer much. However, you have to go an hour away to Topeka to really find large malls or anything. It is cold as hell in the winter, with constant 30 knot winds, and single digit temps. Otherwise, it was pretty good.
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