Posted on Apr 28, 2015
Texas State Guard activated to observe Active Military Exercises
What do you make of this? I am beyond confused.
Edited 10 y ago
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 5
Why doesn't the gov just send those troops to Iraq for some OJT? I'm sure live-fire training would be more beneficial. Why do they feel the need to aclimate American citizens to a military presence[.] /rhetorical
SFC Thomas Howes
Most of the Texas State Guard are vet's Cpl they have been there and got there tshirt
Sir. Looks like he's calling up part of the State Guard (not National Guard). Don't know what his intentions are? Observe and learn? Or observe and report? Very strange
SSG Christopher Buck
Gentlemen, LT Baird summed that up fairly well. I don't buy the WalMart conspiracies in the least since I live six blocks from the one in Midland that keeps fueling their fire. However, those conspiracies have gained enough traction to concern people that actually have the Governor's ear. Those most concerned, somewhat understandably, are ranchers who have found equipment and materiel on their property without their permission. Even the military cannot operate on private property without the appropriate authority. That is most likely the reason that the Governor called on the State Guard. Also, the Texas State Guard is activated only upon the Governor's authority. They do not have the same hierarchy to answer to in the federal government. That helps to assuage some of the ranchers' fears.
LT Charles Baird
SSG Christopher Buck
I live a mile South on Midland Drive from the Walmart; the information I am getting is second hand as I am currently in Afghanistan so if I say anything that may be incorrect please feel free to update me as I am getting everything second hand at this point until I get home in a couple of months.
I live a mile South on Midland Drive from the Walmart; the information I am getting is second hand as I am currently in Afghanistan so if I say anything that may be incorrect please feel free to update me as I am getting everything second hand at this point until I get home in a couple of months.
CSM Charles Hayden
@SFC Tom Springman, Oh, you picked up on the Texas Military Reserve being called. Many of their officer's have ranks that only hold water in Texas.
This was hilarious. A bunch of militia acted as if they could keep high tiered JSOC soldiers "in check"... What's funny is they actually played right into what the military wanted. The training mission was supposedly meant to replicate training a resistance force among an unknowing or hostile population. Alerting the entire population and telling them to be observant just turned everyone into unwitting participants which probably made the training more realistic.
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