Posted on Aug 14, 2020
SFC(P) 94 W4 O Electronic Maintenance Supervisor
I have a spread sheet from an unconfirmed source that shows 1175 pieces of equipment. But nobody I have emailed can or will confirm that these items are what I need to have. The last person to hold my position is retired. And the position was vacant for about 4 years... Clearly for good reason. Well, if there's anyone out there with some real answers and not the bland "you'll need to prove shop stock" blah blah answers please email me. We're getting ready for a mobilization in the near future and I was definitely not set up for success by my predecessor.
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Responses: 3
SPC Nancy Greene
Since you are in charge SFC(P) (Join to see), I would suggest creating your own equipment list and locate or requisition what you think you are going to need..,if your list is incomplete IAW the Army, I am quite certain someone will let you know...sorry you are having to clean up a mess left to you. I had to clean up chaos the entire time I served on Active Duty
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SSgt Owner/Operator
Edited >1 y ago
There should be a TO&E for your unit. I would suggest looking that up, maybe in a higher unit, and building your own list of spares. Also look through the last several years of repair orders to see what was consumed to better judge if you need 5 or 10 spares of a certain item on hand. Finally, inventory what you have on hand (you do have junior troops) and compare. You will have to prove mission needs for anything ordered so make sure your ducks are getting lined up so you can shoot them.

I hate to say but this is an all too common occurrence. When I took over our comm shop I ran into the same problem, had to go to "the man" to get documented TO&E for our parent unit. After a year handling that it was all in my head and the paperwork I originally created probably moldered away where the next guy did not look for it.
SFC(P) 94 W4 O Electronic Maintenance Supervisor
SFC(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks for the response. Since you're USMC and sometimes our Acronyms don't sync up , TO&E?
Also, I have looked at past work orders and there's not much there.... unfortunately our HHC shares space with our C-Co and they have had uncontrolled access to the spares... I'm sure you see where I'm going with this... several repairs were made and never documented. I'v got a stack of parts with "bad" or "replaced" written on the box and no equipment ID or any other hits to where the good part wound up. I'm working with my PBO on getting those replaced... I mean... whats a $40,000 router between friends right? This place has big problems.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
TO&E = Table of Organization & Equipment. The predefined listing of who and what comprises a unit.

Yea - quite familiar. Several times we would go to the field and come back short equipment *and* with extra. Then a month worth of paperwork to realign our inventory to the TO&E. Fun times.

My unit was the Comm Platoon for H&S Co, 4th Landing Support Battalion. As a reserve unit, some of the people & equipment who technically belonged to my platoon was in the other company level units spread across the US. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Beach & Port and Rail Ops companies. Each company averaged a fire team of comm people.

Our H&S platoon had 1 fire team sized electronics repair unit. Everything from resistors to pre-assembled boards. If it took more than that then it was shipped to the Electronics Repair unit in Barstow, CA.

Don't envy you your job and the mess you inherited - but somebody has to do it. ;)
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SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
Edited >1 y ago
Get the Warrant/NCOIC for your Div Cal shop involved. Your going to be dealing with them anyway.
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