Posted on Aug 10, 2020
My unit is rotating to Germany/Poland for 9 months. What to expect?
Hey I’m an 11B E5 and my unit is going for a 9 month rotation to Europe pretty soon. I’ve always wanted to go to Europe so that will be a good check off my list. I was just wondering if anyone has any idea what to expect out there right now. Will there be time to explore? Is the training good or subpar? Does covid mean a lot of travel restrictions? Thanks in advance if anyone has any information.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
SSG Greg Smith
Enjoy, explore, make some notes, capture the ‘great’ photo opportunities and save them for your later years. If you are able to caption the photos or take notes for later consumption please do.
I have a few photos of 1954-55 Korea and wish I had more.
Researching the countries you have access to will provide a great travelogue to pursue.
Work at learning a bit of Polish beyond, ‘Ya Chee Koham’.
Soldier to the best of your increasing abilities and responsibilities. Strive to lead/guide your troops into enjoying the country and for them to not be barracks (tent) rats!
Enjoy, explore, make some notes, capture the ‘great’ photo opportunities and save them for your later years. If you are able to caption the photos or take notes for later consumption please do.
I have a few photos of 1954-55 Korea and wish I had more.
Researching the countries you have access to will provide a great travelogue to pursue.
Work at learning a bit of Polish beyond, ‘Ya Chee Koham’.
Soldier to the best of your increasing abilities and responsibilities. Strive to lead/guide your troops into enjoying the country and for them to not be barracks (tent) rats!
You are doing a rotation rather than a PCS move. Hard to say what to expect as each area is going to be different. Some areas of Europe loved us, while others could not stand us. And this was back in the early 90's. The attitudes are likely even more polarized now with the current world political climate.
As for time to explore etc., that will likely be determined in large part by your CoC and your mission. IF however you do get a chance to do so, please... indulge but do so safely. Go in pairs or groups but do not go alone, as mentioned above. While stationed in Germany years back we had three sm's put into the infirmary when they chose to go out on their own... two by Turkish nationals and one by German nationals.
Learn the language as much as you can. Goes a long way when you can speak German to a German. You should have a 10 day head start class that will orient you to the area and give you at least rudimentary language manipulation.
As for time to explore etc., that will likely be determined in large part by your CoC and your mission. IF however you do get a chance to do so, please... indulge but do so safely. Go in pairs or groups but do not go alone, as mentioned above. While stationed in Germany years back we had three sm's put into the infirmary when they chose to go out on their own... two by Turkish nationals and one by German nationals.
Learn the language as much as you can. Goes a long way when you can speak German to a German. You should have a 10 day head start class that will orient you to the area and give you at least rudimentary language manipulation.
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