Posted on Feb 21, 2014
SFC A.M. Drake
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Responses: 13
1SG Steven Stankovich
While I will not comment on ALL bystanders, I believe that I have a responsibility to intervene when there is trouble.  That is the way I was raised.  I believe that if I have an opportunity to help or to provide assistance to someone, I should.  There are those occasions where not intervening is expected.  Those would be scenarios like when paramedics or law enforcement officials are performing their duties and any intervention on my part would hinder the accomplishment of their job.  But by and large, if I can intervene to help someone out, I will. 
SGM Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
I completely agree. Too many bystanders will sit there and expect someone else to do something. I have seen 2 bad accidents happen in a bad intersection near out house and it is appalling how many people will just stand there instead of running in and trying to help out or at least see what can be done.

I think the majority that stand there and do not act are the ones that do not want to put themselves in harms way and wait for someone else to do it. I like you will intervene in any situation where my help can change the course of the incident for the better.
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CW3 Network Architect
I'd say it all depends on the situation.  If I roll up on an accident, and the cops and firefighters and paramedics are already there, then they've got it under control.  No reason for me to stop, as I'd only be in the way.

If I roll up on someone using a knife to mug someone else, well, let's just say that mugger will be about to have a very bad day.  If they're using a gun, well, that's why I carry a cell phone on my belt.  If I'm off post....I do have the option for concealed carry.  
If I roll up on someone being stupid, and they hurt themselves somehow, sure I'll call the authorities to get them help, but that might be the extent of what I do...
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Cpl Benjamin Long
This is a tricky question...  Sometimes when people intervene they make matters worse because they may not know what to do...  or they may get in the way attempting to help someone on the scene where more qualified people are attempting to help...  Since the situation vary, one can never really know whether their aide will help or harm so it is more of a gamble...
SFC A.M. Drake
SFC A.M. Drake
>1 y
So from your response you are undecided?
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
no, the help that I can provide would be mitigated by the situation...   If I help one person to lose four... that would not be an equitable trade.
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
Let me analogize here... Let's assume that you roll up on someone getting stomped into the ground...  so you shoot and kill the man doing the beat down...  Once the situation is examined you find out the you killed a man that was defending himself against a robber and you helped a mugger and killed his victim...  You need to know what is going on before jumping in the fire.
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