Posted on Feb 20, 2014
SSG Laureano Pabon
<p>I don't know if any one has become aware yet, but I really enjoy the how the thumbs up and thumbs down function now.</p><p>I guess that we can say NOW I KNOW !.</p><p>Thanks RP for this solution.</p><p><br></p><p>I guess that now I can see who gave thumbs up and thumbs down to any member here. </p>
Posted in these groups: 2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
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Responses: 6
CPT Aaron Kletzing
Thanks, everyone.  This was important for us to implement because if someone is going to vote someone else down, everyone should at least be able to have transparency into who did that.  This helps prevent abuse of the voting system, and creates accountability.  It is a healthy addition for the forums, for sure.  Glad you all like it!  Now you have to tell us what you want next! ;-)
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SSG Laureano Pabon
SSG Laureano Pabon
>1 y
CPT Brandon Christensen
CPT Brandon Christensen
>1 y
I like your new profile pic Sir. Seems more personal now than you in you full battle rattle.
MSgt Aircrew Controller Ii
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CPT Kletzing,

 Someone already said here but remove all the 'profile updates' from the updates. I and apparently many here don't care to know when someone adds their career history or changes their location etc.  I do care when someone posts a new discussion or comments on an existing discussion that I AM FOLLOWING.  If i'm not following a discussion I don't care to see when someone comments to it.

  Just my two cents, love the site thus far keep up the great work.

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Edited >1 y ago
SSG Pabon,

RP did a great job with this new feature. Not only can I tell who voted up / down, but I can tell if I previously voted up, so I don't have to keep clicking once I try to vote up a second time, end up taking back, and then once again adding my vote up again.

Warmest Regards, Sandy
MAJ Laurie H.
MAJ Laurie H.
>1 y
We're glad you guys like it!&nbsp;
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
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SSG Pabon, I'm going to post something in a bit about the mandatory comment thing since I had an issue with it a couple weeks ago. I will say that it would be a good thing to do if the down voted comment is not obvious in why it deserved a down vote. I had someone down vote one of my comments, which I couldn't understand why since I was factual in my response and I wasn't rude or disrespectful. I posted a respectful comment/question to the person, they politely responded back and we resolved the issue.
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SSG Andres R.  

I think sometimes people new to the site vote down without knowing that this is considered a rather severe censur.  Then again, I received down vote once (fortunately only once) and I think it may have been from one of the RP founders.  It seems I must have done wrong sent email but no explanation.  Eventually I got over it.  But, it did sting for a bit. So, I tried to be a bit more polite in posting. People liked.

As far as vote down, maybe when pressed a tiny popup should appear explaining the unusual nature and severity of this vote, suggesting a followon email / remark posting explaining the down vote, and asking if they are sure they want to confirm down vote.

Warmest Regards, Sandy
Lt Col Luis A. Rojas
Lt Col Luis A. Rojas
>1 y
LT Annala; I agree with you 100%, I would forget whether I had voted on a comment so I would&nbsp;vote&nbsp;and it would remove my initial vote.&nbsp; Now I can do like you and check to see if I already voted.&nbsp; GREAT feature...thanks to RP staff.
Maj Chris Nelson

I like the new feature! 


Next possible suggestion....have a way to filter the discussion topics from the "I updated my info"/connections/etc.  I was off for a day, signed on and there were something like 5k updates.  I have limited data at home, so really only desire to see active discussions and have less interest in who updated profiles, connected, etc.  If there is a way to set up filters for that already, please let me know!!  I get excited when I see (xx) on it, and there is no new discussion material.  Thanks!!!

LTC Yinon Weiss
LTC Yinon Weiss
>1 y
Look for a new feature to address this in the next week or two. We've been working on it for a while...
CPT Brandon Christensen
CPT Brandon Christensen
>1 y
Totally agree with you Sir!
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