CPT Kletzing,
Someone already said here but remove all the 'profile updates' from the updates. I and apparently many here don't care to know when someone adds their career history or changes their location etc. I do care when someone posts a new discussion or comments on an existing discussion that I AM FOLLOWING. If i'm not following a discussion I don't care to see when someone comments to it.
Just my two cents, love the site thus far keep up the great work.
RP did a great job with this new feature. Not only can I tell who voted up / down, but I can tell if I previously voted up, so I don't have to keep clicking once I try to vote up a second time, end up taking back, and then once again adding my vote up again.
Warmest Regards, Sandy
I like the new feature!
Next possible suggestion....have a way to filter the discussion topics from the "I updated my info"/connections/etc. I was off for a day, signed on and there were something like 5k updates. I have limited data at home, so really only desire to see active discussions and have less interest in who updated profiles, connected, etc. If there is a way to set up filters for that already, please let me know!! I get excited when I see (xx) updates....click on it, and there is no new discussion material. Thanks!!!