Posted on Apr 19, 2015
What's the BEST thing a military doctor did for you?
Sometimes military medicine is poked fun at. Because sometimes it has it's issues. My overall experience has been wonderful with Army docs. Personally, the care I receive at Dwight D Eisenhower Army Medical Center at Fort Gordon is EXCELLENT! The dermatology clinic are miracle workers as far as I'm concerned. What is the best thing a military doctor has ever done for you?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 6
Dislocated shoulder SIX times. CPO was going to write me up for malingering, Doctor popped shoulder loose in his office in front of the CPO! Informed him that I was no longer his problem and get out of his face. He then yelled to his corpsman to get me admitted to the hospital (which I was just long enough to get transferred off the ship). Two months later he zipped open my whole shoulder (long before orthoscopic surgery), removed a small bone chip, and reefed in the rotator. 33 years later it still works. Thank You Doctor Longstreet, orthopod, Portsmouth Naval Hospital, 1983.
CSM Charles Hayden
My recurrent shoulder dislocation was repaired via a “Bankhardt” surgery at Madigan Army Hospital in 1956. Still good to go, but a tweak hand to hand incident in 1962 caused me to tear up the papers to attend jump school via Det 1, Co B, 17th Group.
The best thing a military doctor has done for me since I enlisted was figuring out that I was allergic to something in the sunscreen they issued me after my head swelled up like a balloon. The best treatment I've ever had at any hospital was at the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth after I broke my arm and dislocated my shoulder as a kid.
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