Got eliminated from 15r MOS, got reclassed to 11B. Am I going to have to do BCT again even though I just did it no less then 7 months ago? Or am I going to just do the AIT portion or be inserted somewhere during white or blue phase? I’ve seen a lot of mixed answers to this question. I’m an expert shooter, average a 290 on APFT and can nearly max my acft. I’m national guard, also is this corona virus BS gonna affect anything? I know infantry osut is 22 weeks long now so I would also like to know what the phase system is like what kind of privileges would we get. Anybody who’s done the new osut as a reclass any Info would be mucho appreciated.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 5
you'll probably get there at the beginning of Black Phase or the week before "AIT" it happened to me when i came as a reclass, if you completed basic in under 6 years by the new memorandum they put out they have to insert you at the AIT portion...just be prepared to sit at 30th AG for a while
PFC (Join to see)
SGT Adrian Herrera also when I was in basic from oct 15th-jan 15th 2020, we had an e5 at fort Jackson who was prior service and he had his own room.
SGT (Join to see)
When my group of prior service guys got inserted they treated us way better, rather you were E1 or E5, but it depends what battalion and company you're in..i got lucky and ended up in a decent situation they let us drive and everything. You'll be separated from the privates and probably put in a leadership position within the platoon. After the duty day was over we literally did whatever we wanted long as we made it to first formation during the week. SGT Adrian Herrera
SGT (Join to see)
no they shouldn't because you'll be considered prior service...but expect them to, also just try to focus on completing osut 22 weeks may seem long but it will go by fast even my 12 weeks on sand hill went pretty fast PFC (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see)
Ok so I've completed bct in 2008 been in ever since now reclassing to 11x would I have to do basic all over
Keep your head up. Failure is the mother of all success. You only fail when you quit. I know this isn’t answering your question. But as long as you continue to push through your situation and have faith in yourself youll be fine.
SSG Paul Headlee
Cpl Jose Cartagena "Failure is the mother of all success." I love that. Its as good as, "Life is tough. Its tougher when you're stupid."
You will end up in an OSUT class at the point of your IET. So if basic is 10 weeks, you will finish the last 12
PFC (Join to see)
Thank you for the quick response SSG. I actually leave tomorrow for 30th AG. I wasn’t really expecting a response I’ve been up all night, guess I’m kinda nervous.. but gotta do what I gotta do. I refuse to go home a failure. Just not in my nature.
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