Posted on Jun 12, 2020
How do you feel about renaming the bases named for confederate generals ?
I grew up in New York and If I was alive back then I would have fought to save the union and abolish slavery. Having said that I went to school in W.Va. for 8 years and served in the army in VA. at Ft LEE. I have incite into both sides . My time at Ft Lee is a part of my life whose memories I cherish. When these places were named the country was still in healing and to the southern families their leaders were as important to them as George Washington was to the original Americans who fought for their freedom . In mending the country after the civil war the south was allowed to honor their history. You do not have to like it but you cant change history just by changing the names. We have learned from our past and come a long way to write the wrong of slavery . Racism will never be totally eliminated some people will always hate to make themselves feel superior to others. There is still antisemitism and it has been around since ancient times . I would like to hear how you feel and if you served in the bases that are at risk of a name change how do you feel about it.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 23
It is long overdue. They were traitors to this nation.
Replace the statues with those worth remembering. Rename the bases for those who served with honor to the United States, not the Confederacy.
I was stationed in W. Germany for 7 years. Nowhere is there a monument to the Nazis.
Replace the statues with those worth remembering. Rename the bases for those who served with honor to the United States, not the Confederacy.
I was stationed in W. Germany for 7 years. Nowhere is there a monument to the Nazis.
TSgt (Join to see)
Thanks I had never heard that. I was never a Ranger but as a LRRP with K Com 75th Inf i worked with many Rangers and really felt for them when they had to take off their black beret. It just was not right. But they were Rangers and they did as ordered and marched on.
MAJ (Join to see)
MAJ Byron Oyler - Fine. Let's build a recreation of Andersonville, and we can take some of the old plantations (which were nothing more than genteel 19th century concentration camps) and show how people treated other people.
There is a significant dollar figure associated with renaming all these bases. We're talking 10s , if not hundreds, of millions of dollars. Is it really worth it? I would be willing to bet that 95+% of the population doesn't even know these bases are named for Confederate Generals.
SPC John Tacetta
DOD is getting $14 trillion in 2020. It would be a drop in the bucket. Get some slacking enlisted personnel on it if you want to make that penny squeak. Better than painting rocks white!
SSG Roger Ayscue
CSM Thomas Ray - Damn Right CSM! Once again we play out the "Wag the Dog" scenario.
TSgt (Join to see)
MAJ (Join to see) - Sept 4 2021 Yes a lot has changed
Biden has stranded 100s of Americans and thousand of allies to be slaughtered. America has no honor. Biden and Milley should not even have a shitter named for them.
Biden has stranded 100s of Americans and thousand of allies to be slaughtered. America has no honor. Biden and Milley should not even have a shitter named for them.
Leave the bases alone. In my ancestry,I have ancestors that fought for the Confederates and the Union. Also, I had ancestors that had slaves and did not have slaves. Its history, it had nothing to do with me. Banning the movie "Gone with Wind" is just stupid. When are we going to start burning books?? I agree with you, there will always be racism and it is wrong. Where/when I grew up, blacks and whites, were pretty much kept separate. The only black person I knew was a janitor at the high school. I enlisted in the marines in 1963 and met a lot people from all walks of life, Catholics, Jews, Orientals, Blacks, northerners etc., and found out people are just people regardless of race, religion, beliefs, etc.
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