Posted on Apr 14, 2015
PO3 Steven Sherrill
Freedom form
I don't have an article or anything else, it is just kind of a curiousity. Active Duty Service Members have their military ID, and those who stay in for the long haul have their Retired Military ID. For those of us in between we have our DD-214. I know that when I was in, the military ID was considered a part of the uniform, and needed to be carried at all times just to move around the naval station without a hastle. The retired ID is easy to carry as it is a similarly sized ID card. Personally I don't have any need to carry it as I do not interact with a lot of veteran resources where I would need to verify my service on a regular basis.
So I am wondering, who carries the DD-214 with them, and when if ever have you been glad that you did carry it with you.
Posted in these groups: Military men DischargeIDRetirement logo Retirement
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Responses: 20
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
I have a digital copy of my (and my wife's) DD214 on a thumb drive in my pocket. I've 'randomly' needed it several times over the last 10 years. For little things.

In addition to that, I have a Virginia "US Armed Forces Veteran" Card & my US Dept of Vet Affairs "Veterans Health ID Card" which are both useful on occasion. (Lowe's offers a 10% Vet's discount which can be 'sizable'). I also carry a passport card (which can act as a birth certificate) though, so I'm kind of an oddity.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS i just saw your response to this topic. I think the Lowes 10% military discount is a little ambiguous as you have to be currently serving, a retiree or receiving VA benefits with a veteran identification card. This could be any one of us as we have all received VA benefits at one time or another. What do they use, your VA ID card fir health benefits? What if it does not say service connected? Do they turn you down for the discount? Do people abuse it? Im sure they do!

I had a coworker who used his civilian CAC card to get the 10% discount at HomeDepot. It really pissed me off because he bragged about it and getting discounts at other places too. Yes, he served but he wasn't disabled or retired.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
>1 y
SFC William Farrell I've used my Virginia Vet ID Card without issue there as well (which doesn't have a my disability rating on it).

The problem with Home Depot is they have a little "cheat sheet" at their register (I was in there today buying supplies for a install) which shows "acceptable IDs" and one of them is the CAC, which can definitely lead to confusion (It also shows the old style Retiree ID, and the VHIC).
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
I think our local HomeDepot has gotten smarter as we are right next to Naval Station Newport and have a lot of active, retired and civilian personnel. I was at a gun range with my brother a couple months ago up in New Hampshire and they gave military discount to retired personnel. I am retired but my twin brother isnt but is 100% VA. He whips out his privilege card for proof and I joking said he aint retired and the clerk said yeah, thats just a privilege card! Young kid but he knew his stuff!
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Sgt Jennifer Mohler
I have my VA card and I keep my DD214 in my purse actually.
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SrA Edward Vong
I have a digital PDF easily accessible on my mobile device. I also have another digital copy on my flash drive in the shape of a key which I carry on my key chain. I have never been asked to produce one.
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