Posted on Feb 16, 2014
MAJ Multifunctional Logistician
I pose the question using military/DOD due to the fact that RallyPoint is non-service specific!  However, the question is pertaining to the fact that some of the social mediums are more desirable, user friendly, and down right better than some of the current implemented forms of career tracking, progression, and mentorship programs such as the Army Career Tracker (ACT).  I would like to see the endorsement for RallyPoint to be utilized in AKO or other service specific online forms to further connect service members, enrichment of knowledge in our profession, and build the user base for RallyPoint so we are not limited to only the people who care enough to sign up, however maybe we can begin to influence others who are not as connected or have not had mentorship/information that they needed when they needed it!  

Your thoughts about RallyPoint endorsements from the military?  Do you think it is feasible?  (Hypothetical questions, obvious security features would need to be addressed--however not the focus) 
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Responses: 16
MSG Phil Herndon
The US Military endorses very few public entities.  I think we are better off internally promoting this site.  Soldier to Soldier.  Servicemember to Servicemember for our fellow services
MAJ Multifunctional Logistician
MAJ (Join to see)
11 y
I agree. I only wish and hope that the military can catch up with the rapid pace of change when it comes to connecting the individuals that enter the military on a daily basis. I believe RP actually allows for the interconnectedness to occur on a professional level that can facilitate mentorship while maintaining a non-attribution forum.  That is really difficult to achieve when the service components or DOD are involved due to the legalities/scrutiny, etc.

Thank you.

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COL Vincent Stoneking
I don't think it would endorse.<div>And I wouldn't WANT RP officially affiliated with the military.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I do think that RP maintains a more professional environment that FaceBook, or other social media sites, and that is good. &nbsp;But it also needs to facilitate a free flow of thought to be valuable.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Once affiliated, it becomes "part of the machine," which would have a chilling effect on some of the conversations here. &nbsp;One of my personal agendas for RP is leveraging it as a method for Reserve Soldiers (what you see is determined by where you sit!) to get mentorship. &nbsp;Mentorship requires free flow of ideas &amp; opinions. Were it an official DOD Product™, all of the conversations and advice would become stilted to "this is what the reg, directive, and the CSM of the Army say..."</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
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CPT M.  I don't see any reason Stars & Stripes, AFRTS, or whatever other official or semi-official media couldn't cover the RP story without making formal endorsements.  But, this kind of website may be most effectively made known by individual referrals and perhaps some old fashioned guerilla advertising methods.  Warmest Regards, Sandy

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