Posted on Apr 8, 2015
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
I was not shot, struck by an EID, mortared...I didn't fall or hit my head to hard on something. I did form a "cystic" mass tho in the membrane (yes I make light of it) and it has caused me some major problems. Problems I didn't have fifteen years ago.

No I won't go and blame this on my military serviceservice, yet, (tho my arm was and I have yet to get anything from that, but I'm too proud to beg) but have noticed while talking to some of you that we have the same problems. There's no good way to ask other than WTF OVER?? Thoughts...
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Responses: 16
SFC Mark Merino
Edited 10 y ago
I'm also getting grey, fat, and telling those kids to get the heck off my lawn. I've looked all over the house for my keys when they were in the same hand I was holding my coffee with. Another morning my kids found my car keys in the freezer. After 50, we have an excuse to be silly and forgetful. At 60, we have an excuse to forget everything,.....except wearing clothes. At 70, we have an excuse to forget our clothes.
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
At 38, I just put my phone in my coat pocket that I AM WEARING then spend the next fifteen minutes looking for the darn thing. It's just stuff like that along with minor things. I mean at your mid forties or fifties you really have no excuse. Teehee bahahahahaaha
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
SFC James Sczymanski Bahahahah! Love it!
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
10 y
SFC Mark Merino, To my lady friend, I shall quote you; "No need to wear clothes after the age of xx". She qualifies age wise; all I need is some more good "quotes" to convince her. Right now, if I say to dress "nudely" while we are inside the house she gets rattled.
SPC Robin Price-Dirks
SPC Robin Price-Dirks
10 y
I have a serious case of C.R.S.( Can't remember Shit) and I get headaches. Dammit kids be quite! There is 6 months of my service in Germany that I can't remember, I love a good Reisling....but I don't have a problem. Honest!!
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COL Charles Williams
Edited 10 y ago
SGT (Join to see). I have had headaches pretty much every day since June 2007, when I sustained an IED blast/eye injury. Since then, the ophthalmologists and the neurologists have been arguing about what causes my headaches. One says my eye causes the headaches, the other says my head causes the eye pain and issues... Still, no resolution.

Aside from that incident, there were others.. mortars, rockets, and more IEDS... None of which help.

I have TBI, but luckily no memory loss... or as the Army and VA put it, no loss of function.

I am still being treated by both...

Oh and that is not the Dude... where's my car guy(s)... (memory)
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
10 y
Like many of us... My neck is also shot, and I am getting shots for that... Medicine appears to be all trial error once trauma injuries are addressed...
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
10 y
Talk about memories I wanted to see that movie COL Charles Williams and forgot till now when did it come out? I used to get cortizone or bupicaine and aristicort shot in my hips, back and neck. Now they give me a different shot in neck when I go in and have to have a driver. I think it made it worse for me. Was climbing over the back of those 5 ton trailers and the metal step things came apart and I fell. hitting neck and cutting my knee cap open. But I bet that blast was bad and hurt the ears too maybe?
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
So have they been using you as a test "dummy" sir? I have been told 3 different reasons as well, at the same time, I saw an incompetent neurologist that "diagnosed" my problems without any testing...I don't trust anyone, except my psych, with my well-being. I really don't know what to do anymore
SSgt Chris Frey
SSgt Chris Frey
9 y
I suffered tbi and ptsd also linked to migraines. My Nero gave me topamax which doesn't do anything. The other option I'm told is botox but I'm not a fan of injecting that junk into my neck.
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CAPT Kevin B.
I've had migraines ever since I had a small stroke when I was 23. Medical board said I was OK to stay in as the damage went away as the brain ran some extension cords around. They could be debilitating. It's part of my disability percentage. So after years of Imitrex etc. My last GP suggested taking magnesium daily. Studies haven't nailed down the mechanism on how it works yet nor a dosage. However since taking a pill out of a Costco bottle daily, the incidence and severity have been cut back around 90%. Most of the time I feel a migraine coming on but it very seldom gets there. That's been 4-5 years now. Some improvement is inherent in aging as the arteries get less flexible. It's the snap back piece that is the migraine and there is less to snap back, hence many people notice an improvement with age.
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
Magnesium huh? I'm going to have to try that. I am also Vitamin D deficient. Surely there is a vitamin that has both of those in it?
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
10 y
Do you think that will help with the bones degenerating and neck injury where they slide forward causing a pinch? The doctors wont do rehab for trying to put my bones back together anywhere in my body. And with the Magnesium cause thinning of blood I am severely anemic. I will write that down tho and ask dr thank you so much. CAPT Kevin Ball .
Also with the memory does anyone have to really concentrate on how to spell anymore or how to word things in understandable terms?
CAPT Kevin B.
CAPT Kevin B.
10 y
SGT (Join to see) The Costo magnesium cones in 400mg so one of those a day according to my MD. There hasn't been a definitive therapeutic dose yet. It's a "supplement" and seems to work for me.

PV2 Violet Case Those questions are way out of my league and should be discussed with your MD.
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
10 y
Thank you CAPT Kevin Ball it does not hurt to ask the doctor. I no I have to be very careful because I am on 28 pills a day not counting multivitamin, probiotics and calcium too. I feel like a walking pharmacy. At this far into my life and health I hear alot of it it helps do it cause they are at a dead end not even antibiotic pills help anymore. But I really do with all my heart thank any advice a hot tub will be nice when here.
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