Posted on Apr 19, 2020
I was medboarded and am looking to go back in. I can and will pass a physical, and am already in contact with a former NCO of mine who is a recruiter in my area. My question is-- once I pick my MOS, what is the process like? I understand I'll be going to MEPS and to AIT, but what is the inbetween? Where do I get my gear? etc.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 5
You need to start with your recruiter. Many of your questions should be answered by that person.
In the 14th year of my service in the Navy, I was on the temporary disability retired list (TDRL) from 2001 - 2005. I recovered from my medical issues and chose to return to active duty service. To qualify to come back in, I had to go through the same process as when I first enlisted. I was processed back in through a recruiting office, went through the MEPS, taking all the same tests and physical and approved by the doctor "fit to continue my Naval service." I received Orders from the Navy Recruit Training Center for NAVET/OSVET Training. At OSVET training, uniforms reissued; you'll requalify with arms, physical ready test (PRT), and other reentry training, then you will go up for orders. The RTC is responsible for administratively processing veterans through Veterans Orientation, from ALL branches of the military, back onto active duty. I provided a link below.
PO1 Robert Murray
I got out in 1991 right after Desert Storm ended, had broken service for about 8 months, there was not very many jobs out there at the time and decided to give it another try. glad I did and stayed the course, there was some tough times on both ship and shore commands but it was well worth it. BZ John!

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