Posted on Apr 7, 2015
LTC David S. Chang, ChFC®, CLU®
Man, really sad to see it me or does it seem like more and more service members are doing this? Is it because of the drawdowns and we are not on the front page anymore? People want more attention?

Lt. Col. Gerald H. Green III's dishonesty didn't stop with his uniform.

The former head of the Army National Guard Warrior Training Center at Fort Benning, Georgia, was relieved of command in October while under investigation for wearing an unearned Ranger tab. Green admitted as much in a Sept. 30 statement to investigators which was provided along with other documents to Army Times via a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
Posted in these groups: Logistics fraud Fraud
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Responses: 21
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
What? I thought if they sold it in Clothing Sales you could wear it? Damn, I guess I better make an appointment to re-take my DA Photo!

MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
>1 y
CSM (Join to see)

The difference is that you just remember all the awards you forgot to put on.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
But it looked so........shiny!
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CPT Aaron Kletzing
Ranger Tab
Sapper Tab
Air Assault Wings
Combat Action Badge
Expert Infantryman Badge
Army Commendation Medal w/ V Device
Presidential Unit Citation, he didn't hold back, did he?! He went full hooah.
SFC Ronnie Seaton Jr
SFC Ronnie Seaton Jr
>1 y
Costume party
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
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After I left my LRS company at Bragg they had a Guy show up with a Presidents 100 tab. Now in a LRS company just about every NCO is Ranger Tabbed and a lot are also Halo. So there are a lot of high speed guys there. So in short order he was found out when he didn't know a lot about shooting. So they had him bring in his docs. All fake. so they had a formation. In which they called him front in and center of the company. They cut off his Pres 100 Tab and smoked him in front of the whole company while they told him what he did. He then got UCMJ for forging documents.
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
>1 y
Damn wow. Nice story.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
Of course if you did that now, and a Congressional hearing ruled that feelings were hurt..........
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
Greedy gut! Many times these people believe they are bigger than the organization, chances are it is the same thing here....complacency, contempt and a feeling of entitlement. A terrible example for our Soldiers.
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
I did feel a disturbance in the Force when I was at Benning but there are so many posers there it is hard to pinpoint where it was coming from. SFC Mark Merino MAJ (Join to see)
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
CSM (Join to see)
>1 y
Bahahaha! I can't stop laughing at CPT (Join to see) . I know the guy was a fake, and I know you are prior enlisted, and probably high speed but, I just can't see you walking up to a CSM and pulling off his tab. I mean there's balls and then there is stupid. I understand the intent but I. can't. stop. laughing....
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
CSM (Join to see) It might be a little bit of both.
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
CSM (Join to see)
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CPT (Join to see)
Sir - You probably could have gotten away with it on this poser or the CSM (I lose track of which poser thread we are commenting on). Try it on me and we are going to be scrappin and you know what they say...never pick a fight with an old man, if he's too old to fight, he will just kill you. Bahahaha!
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