Posted on Apr 8, 2020
Will your BAH discontinue after you move from on post housing to off post housing?
I’m moving off post from an on post housing. Currently the HSO deducts my BAH every month. Will I still get paid BAH after I move off post? Or do I need other paperwork to reinstate my BAH payment?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 4
You will need to turn in the paperwork to finance. You will need to fill out and turn DA Form 5960 If I’m not mistaken. The best way is to go to your post finance and let them know you are going to love off post now. Do it soon because with almost everything with finance it will take a little bit to take effect. So be prepared to hopefully only see it not be on your LES for one month and than get the back pay.
The housing office needs to release it. You may need to do a DA5960 to verify your BAH to continue, consult your unit S1
The issue has always been getting Housing to shut off their allotment. This is all that is really happening. You're not necessarily authorized BAH just for living in on post housing, you're authorized it because because you have dependents. Your BAH will continue afterwards, and there is currently a requirement to recertify your 5960 annually.
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