Posted on Apr 3, 2015
CPO Jon Campbell
I am researching a specific incident that happened during the Vietnam war. Here is my question: If an officer was kicked out of the Army for lying about having a college degree, is he still entitled to medals and awards he earned? (I assume the discharge was dishonorable, but I don't know for sure.) Can he still claim he won a silver star or are his awards revoked?
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Responses: 9
SFC Michael Hasbun
Were the awards presented for specific events, or just for being an officer? The lack of a degree doesn't negate the actions that rated awards...
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
10 y
But if local commanders have the power to rescind awards for misconduct we get caught up in the ethical loop of heroic acts vs misrepresenting accomplishments. That much controversy will split the group down the middle. If I know my Army, they will opt to focus on the greater misconduct.
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
10 y
Oh the "numerous" Air Medals are a huge red flag! Those things aren't just handed out.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
10 y
In Vietnam, Air Medals were awarded frequently. Many Infantry Commanders and staff had them for air assault operations and subsequent airborne command and control.
CPO Jon Campbell
CPO Jon Campbell
10 y
My research indicates that the Army awarded Air Medals based on flight hours. The person in question claims over 30 and there is supporting documentation, but it just looks wrong to me. It is period documentation, so if is fake it was faked in the early '70s.
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SFC Mark Merino
AR 635-200 governs Enlisted Administrative Seperations. Would that be the criteria since the member in question wasn't an Officer in the first place? I read a few chapters that skirted the issue but I don't think they had that situation in mind when they drafted it. Now I HAVE to know. Curse your inquisitive mind CPO Jon Campbell
CPO Jon Campbell
CPO Jon Campbell
10 y
Ha! You think like me. I saw the claim and it didn't look right. It seems to me that if a citation was made to, say, 'Lt John Doe' and then it turns out that the Lt is not a legitimate title, the award is tainted if not invalidated. If you obtain a college degree using a false name, you may have learned everything for the degree, but the degree is invalid and the school will rescind it.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
10 y
I hate the chicken or the egg scenarios. I despise the why did the chicken cross the road scenarios! I dream of a world where a chicken can cross the road without having his intentions questioned.
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COL Charles Williams
He can claim it, because he did earn it, but any award can be revoked. When a Soldier is court martialed and sentence to confinement, DD, BCD, etc... generally all awards and decorations are revoked. But, you can still say you earned it.
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