Posted on Mar 16, 2020
What made you want to join the military? Also did you make lifelong friends while in?
Also do you ever think about ehen you originally joined as a bright eyed recruit who was rrady for anything? Who wanted to keep serving or did that slowly change overtime?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 25
I am still friends with all of the surviving members of my team -- after 51 years. I joined so I could go to Viet Nam. I learned to love it over time.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
I've remained friends with many of the people I had served with over the course of 22 years in an Air Force Uniform. The draft was in full force when I enlisted but I was prepared somewhat both as a cadet at a Military Academy and also having been a Civil Air Patrol Cadet.
SPC Richard Zacke
SGT Robert Pryor you won't believe all the thumbs up for the statement I made to you the other day "Dude what is a hippi flavor?" I think people will start plagerizing your saying, maybe you better register it, Ha.
SGT Robert Pryor
SPC Richard Zacke - I started using that "hippy flavored" term perhaps 40 years ago when I first started seeing overpriced things in the store marked "organic." That was too warm and fuzzy for me. After all these years, I've never heard anyone outside if my immediate family use it.
SPC Richard Zacke
SGT Robert Pryor well I think more poeple will be using it, and we know the origins of this cut fuzzy phrase. Have a good day buddy.
Personally; I wanted to become a lawyer.
Never made any ‘lifelong’ friends while on Active Duty; however, I only stayed in for almost 4 years before requesting a medical discharge. I did utilize VR through the VA fir MS degrees.
Never made any ‘lifelong’ friends while on Active Duty; however, I only stayed in for almost 4 years before requesting a medical discharge. I did utilize VR through the VA fir MS degrees.
SPC Nancy Greene
I only enlisted to further my education. Wanted to stay in for 20. However ; was injured in Basic. After 18 MOs in FRG, I requested a MED Discharge. Cold War was too much for me! Wouldn’t done it any other way! Definitely enjoyed my job & working fir the guys!AN Jacob Thiede-Smith
AN Jacob Thiede-Smith
SPC Nancy Greene well thank you for your service and also go UNCG, my friends and brother all go there!
SPC Nancy Greene
Totally Understand! I worked fir USMC after Grad School..If you are interested in Law Enforcement, the Military Police is a great way to begin your career! AN Jacob Thiede-Smith
SPC Nancy Greene
You are Quite Welcome Jacob! I really enjoyed UNC-G & Greensboro ‘back in the day’! AN Jacob Thiede-Smith
I enlisted when I was 18 knowing I would be drafted but wanting to control where I went. I keep in touch on a regular basis with the man who was in the lower bunk with me in the upper during recruit training and reunite with my friends from Vietnam (69) regularly. I joined fully intending to serve my three year enlistment then leave, but after I recognized what we meant to our nation, I stayed for 25.
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