Posted on Feb 10, 2020
SPC Fire Support Specialist
Okay, I dont want to sound like THAT guy. But I'm going into the national guard, verifying records from Active Duty. I BELIEVE, I am missing my OIR Campaign Medal. My PSG had told me I needed it during an ASU inspection, but I had said its not on my SRB therefore its not on my uniform. He made our commander aware of it to get it addressed however, he got out of the army. S1 needs documentation of my time in Iraq for it to be on my SRB, I was never given orders, (Young PFC at the time) my PSG put me on a flight to Iraq, and I was permanent party, I was up there for a month or so. I was awarded an AAM with a C device by our BN CSM that states I was in Iraq with my company and battalion. Can a recommendation for an award, be used to verify service in Iraq?
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Responses: 7
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Take the citation to personnel and start there.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
I find it difficult to believe that you were put on a plane and sent downrange without orders....or at least where to access orders.
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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
Edited 5 y ago
You have a couple issues going on here. First, as I understand "dems da roolz", a member may NOT wear an award if there is no corresponding entry in their personnel file (I think the Army calls it a 201 file, might be mistaken though). I would say you were correct to not affix the award to your ASU given the circumstance. Second, I don't understand how a commander ETSing stopped a "got it for showing up" award. If the paperwork was already in the pipe, it should have flowed on regardless of the CO's status. Third, how did you go anywhere without orders of some type? Even as a Deployment Manager, I couldn't just "put someone on a flight" without proper authorization from the responsible Commander (for AF, usually at the Group or Wing level). Fourth, I've never heard of someone being "permanent party" for only a month. Incidentally, I believe the regulations were changed to say campaign medals could not be awarded unless the member was deployed in theater for at least 60 days (due largely to certain AF senior officers flying into VBC for an afternoon and being awarded various medals). I'd have your immediate CoC help you research the requirements and submit the appropriate paperwork as the situation dictates.

*Edited to add below link*

This link may be of use as well....
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5 y
There has to be orders, right? A PSG can't just put an SM on a plane and say, "Go to Iraq". Aren't their pre-deployment work-ups that have to be done? Surely there is some documentation somewhere.
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