Posted on Feb 7, 2020
If you are getting promoted under exception to policy do you need more promotion points?
If you are getting promoted under exception to policy do you need more promotion points? If you are deployed and have not gone to BLC but have been approved for promotion then do you need more promotion points since you don't have BLC?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 2
If you are receiving an ETP promotion to SGT while deployed but don't have BLC complete, you will not need to get more points. All you will need to do is complete BLC within 2 years of returning from deployment and you keep the rank. If you don't complete the course within the allotted time, you lose the rank.
Good Question SPC Benjamin Nelson!
IMHO, if you are being promoted to SGT/E5, then you ‘shouldn’t need’ any more points for E5.
However; you will need to go before the E5 Board to be promoted to E6. BLC & PLC will give you Promotion Points for E6. In addition, since you are deployed, you can also obtain more promotion points after reaching E5. Two ways:
1. Military Education - Correspondence Courses
2. Civilian Education - Online College Courses. You should receive 10 points for furthering Civilian Education & one point for each College credit obtained
Eventually, you will need to complete BLC as an E5 & PLC will be needed for E6.
From E6 to E7, Your Record (201 file) should be sent to E7 board when recommended by Your Unit.
Please make sure all copies of Everything needed for promotion are IN your file! I would also encourage you to keep Your own copies of ALL documents which award promotion points!
In addition, once you have appeared before the E6 board as an E5 ; your name should be placed on the Promotion Point Standing List for Your Post!
When you PCS from one Unit to the next, ENSURE your file is STAMPED:
Recommend You make (or request a copy) of Your Promotion Packer & Promotion Point Standing List!
When you PCS, things can ‘disappear’ from your file!
If your packet is lost or your standing is ‘lost’; then, YOU have Your Copies!
FYI: Every time you acquire or obtain 10 new points, you can request a Promotion Point RECOMP. The score from the new recomp isn’t’effective’ until 30 days after the date the RECOMP is completed. This means you are eligible for promotion under the new score thirty days after that date!
Good Luck! Please ALWAYS keep your Own copies of Everything!
Let RP know when you are an Infantry SGT! ‘ALL the WAY, EVERY DAY’!
IMHO, if you are being promoted to SGT/E5, then you ‘shouldn’t need’ any more points for E5.
However; you will need to go before the E5 Board to be promoted to E6. BLC & PLC will give you Promotion Points for E6. In addition, since you are deployed, you can also obtain more promotion points after reaching E5. Two ways:
1. Military Education - Correspondence Courses
2. Civilian Education - Online College Courses. You should receive 10 points for furthering Civilian Education & one point for each College credit obtained
Eventually, you will need to complete BLC as an E5 & PLC will be needed for E6.
From E6 to E7, Your Record (201 file) should be sent to E7 board when recommended by Your Unit.
Please make sure all copies of Everything needed for promotion are IN your file! I would also encourage you to keep Your own copies of ALL documents which award promotion points!
In addition, once you have appeared before the E6 board as an E5 ; your name should be placed on the Promotion Point Standing List for Your Post!
When you PCS from one Unit to the next, ENSURE your file is STAMPED:
Recommend You make (or request a copy) of Your Promotion Packer & Promotion Point Standing List!
When you PCS, things can ‘disappear’ from your file!
If your packet is lost or your standing is ‘lost’; then, YOU have Your Copies!
FYI: Every time you acquire or obtain 10 new points, you can request a Promotion Point RECOMP. The score from the new recomp isn’t’effective’ until 30 days after the date the RECOMP is completed. This means you are eligible for promotion under the new score thirty days after that date!
Good Luck! Please ALWAYS keep your Own copies of Everything!
Let RP know when you are an Infantry SGT! ‘ALL the WAY, EVERY DAY’!
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