Posted on Feb 5, 2020
CPO Nate S.
Post Update (20 Feb 2020): I have enjoyed reading everyone's comments!

FREE SPEECH is NOT Dead or at best NOT YET Illegal!!! Adults are responding in this post - EXCELLENT! Some are whining! ~2/3's overall per the poll still believe SOTH was disrespectful at some level.

POTUS did have a bit of a chip on his shoulder, for not shaking SOTH hand when extended.

Some seemed to forget former President Clinton's own avoidance of military service (aka deferments) as they excoriated Trump for his deferments - Humm?

The Congress & POTUS need to quit excessive Tweeting and GET TO WORK for "We the people...." Cut the BS!!!

All in All , instructive post! Of course some will defend POTUS regardless, others will defend SOTH regardless.

Some of the adults that responded slammed them both and provided balanced responses that took a deeper critical look! You know who you are! Thank you!
Post Update (12 Feb 2020): Please see my response to SGM(P) (Join to see)'s wise words in this post! Some might just be - surprised!
Original Post

Background: By now the world is a buzz with what took place at the end of the SOTU by POTUS and the "ripping" by the SOTH at the end of the speech.


Discussion: While I can respect the opinion of Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia to recommend centure (, I and many believe that the SOTH's behavior last night is worthy of the SOTH's own centure! The lack of leadership of the SOTH in the 'ripping up" of the SOTU address on live TV is shameful.

It makes NO different if you are RIGHT, CENTER or LEFT. The disrespect shown is not a sign of defiance of this POTUS or solidarity with her party. It is an open attack against "We the people....." As an Independent, I have not always agreed with POTUS on some issues, but that does not mean I will not show the Office of POTUS its proper due, regardless of who hold the office!

I have as does the SOTH the right to "respectfully disagree" as guaranteed under the 1st Amendment; however, as the SOTH the "ripping behavior" boarders on behaviors that reminds me of someone desiring to insight insurrection, but not be held accountable for the actions they transmit.

Recommendation: While the "majority members" of the House will not centure their own Speaker, perhaps the Senate might, in order to send a message to centure the SOTH for such a tantrum during the SOTU!

So my question is this:

Was the behavior of the SOTH a sign that the current SOTH as of Feb 2020 lacks both the maturity and leadership grit to behave in a manner worthy of that office as 3rd in line to be POTUS?
Edited 5 y ago
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Responses: 71
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
My wife is a special needs teacher and her elementary special needs kids act better than that. She was wrong and I hope they censure her.
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
5 y
1SG John Millan - how do you know she drinks? why dont you call out Trump for all his disrespectful actions?
CW2 Samuel Hunt
CW2 Samuel Hunt
5 y
After the fake 4f Blowhard disrespected a Decorated P.O.W. I never listened to a word he said after that. Most everyone who has strapped on boots knows to disrespect a POW is as disgusting an act as can be committed. No one can determine what is necessary to make it through torture or what must be done to survive for years on end. Any one can talk a mouthful of shit without having been in the hot seat. Even Adolph Hitler strapped up boots and walked the walk.
SGT Michael Hearn
SGT Michael Hearn
>1 y
SSgt Kevin Hopkins - She rates a chapter 9 discharge /LOL
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
>1 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - Rush is NOT a journalist but he is a hate spewing loudmouth
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Stupid, childish, temper tantrum behavior.
Sgt Michael Clifford
Sgt Michael Clifford
>1 y
I don't have much respect for the man or his methods but when I look at what is being offered as an alternative I'm afraid I may actually have to vote for him. It is not a Trump v Biden contest. It is the US as we have known it and a government run by the likes of Bernie Sanders, AOC, the squad and democrats who believe that what has been going on in Seattle, Portland, Oakland, NYC and other US cities are "PEACEFUL PROTESTS". peaceful protestor do not attack the police with M-80s, water bottles, clubs. "PEACEFUL PROTESTORS" do not attempt to burn down and/or loot public and private property.
PV2 Eric Roberts
PV2 Eric Roberts
>1 y
Sgt Michael Clifford - your privledge is showing brother...
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
>1 y
there have been alot of peaceful protests, the ones you speak of were not peaceful and no one has refered to those as peaceful. being military im surprised you would ever consider voting for a man thats been so disrespectful of any POW. if you were captured, in Trumps eyes you dont matter
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
>1 y
Lt Col Charlie Brown you dont think Trump has stupid temper tantrums?
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Samantha S.
She clearly believed it was a copy of the Constitution
Sgt Bob Leonard
Sgt Bob Leonard
5 y
Samantha S. - When 1LT John Lisovitch said, "Footage Shows President Trump Mocking The National Anthem During Super Bowl LIV." you said, "your commentary is extraneous".

Dishonoring the Flag or our National Anthem is not extraneous. Especially when you opened the door by saying, "I started every school day facing the American flag with my right hand over my heart reciting the words to the Pledge of Allegiance."

First, to correct a misapprehension about the video clip. It must have been recorded in "selfie" mode. I call your attention to the fact that, not only does Melania appear to have her left hand on her right side, so does Baron(?) on the other side of the President. The clincher is the Flag lapel pin he always wears on his left lapel: it appears to be on his right lapel.

However, even if it were true that Melania and Baron were BOTH dissing the Flag and National Anthem, and, by some stretch of your imagination, you believe that Pres. Trump stuck his lapel pin on the wrong lapel, it would still be true that neither Melania nor Baron is the President!

It is inescapable that Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America, in the presence of a room full of rich and powerful American and foreign business people, acted shamefully. A gathering which included his foreign-born wife and his teen-age son.

I am disgusted. I don't understand how any Veteran, especially a Vietnam Vet, cannot be at least mildly nauseated by his actions.
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
>1 y
thats a foolish thought after Trumps actions
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
>1 y
Trump has lied and disrespected her and Congress yet you feel shes wrong for showing how she feels and this liar?
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
>1 y
1SG Walter Craig - do you know how long a term is fotr the house? its only 2 yrs. Congress cant get things done that fast
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