Posted on Mar 25, 2015
SSG(P) Transportation Management Coordinator
Over the last nine years of my career, I can't help but have utter hatred and contempt for my S1. I'm not a 42A, but I was thrown into the Admin position for my unit. I had no idea what I was doing at first, but I currently have no difficulty managing personnel records efficiently.

Right now, I am tracking eight separate awards across my current and previous unit. Two are PCS awards from last year, and a third that is a retirement award, which is well over a year overdue. The retirement award has been submitted over five times, yet it keeps getting lost. We also have three Soldiers who are more than 4 months overdue their AGCM. One has it on his ERB, but the dates are wrong, and he doesn't have the orders for it either.

Financial records are missing at BN S1. For instance, we haven't received a UCFR or AAA in three months, with the exception of one that I received one day before the suspense. Leave forms are missing. I, myself, even had to go to a levy brief the day before I deployed because they failed to fence me in. Right now, I'm supposed to be in Korea, as of Jan 2015. The orders still have not been deleted.

So, why is it so hard keep track of personnel records?

[UPDATED 9 April 2015, 0536Z]

So I was just told by one of my 1LT's yesterday, the reason why I can't get anything accomplished with my S1 in the rear, is because I have overwhelmed them. Overall, there are eight awards (two over a year overdue), three past-due AGCM, two overdue Promotion Orders, 13 Soldiers who have been deployed 6 months, yet to be fenced (because they keep getting orders to PCS; I, myself, was supposed to report to Korea 3 months ago while deployed because I didn't get fenced. I even had to attend a levy brief the day before I deployed).

Apparently, I have given them more than they can handle. This all started with only two awards, but they kept losing them. Those were while I was at my previous unit. Then I came to my current unit, and they received four from this one, which makes six now. It all just kept piling up, because they kept losing them. From what I'm told, there is an investigation regarding the failure to maintain personnel records: financial, awards, orders, promotion, SGLI/DD93, UCMJ, leave, etc. None of it was maintained properly.

Seriously though, does anyone else have these problems at their units?

[ADDED 13 May 2015]

Former Soldier just sent me a photo she received of her award being sent in the mail. The original recommender was removed and replaced by the S1 OIC, who also took the liberty of reducing the award. Classic!
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CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
SSG(P) (Join to see)

I find it hard to believe that your CSM and the BDE CSM have not been relieved. The S-1 is the battalion training room +. How is finance not beating down the door for not receiving a signed UCFR? How are you conducting promotions and promotion boards without receiving AAAs? If you are not receiving any of those reports I am sure your flag report is missing and your units HR Metrics are atrocious!

Someone is going to get hammered, surprised it hasn't happened already.
SSG(P) Transportation Management Coordinator
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CSM Mike Oldsen

The previous CSM retired a couple months back, and the BN just had a COC. I hear there is an investigation going on, but I am not there to see for myself. Shortly after I deployed, both of my replacements from my previous unit were "fired." One was because he lost all the unit's personnel records and a FLAG for a Soldier that I previously had, which mysteriously disappeared from his packet. Fortunately, I maintain everything, even after I leave. So I just resent it when the CSM was going to remove the FLAG erroneously. That Soldier is still FLAG'd, by the way.

Two of the awards that I am tracking are for my previous unit. Realistically, I should not be doing the leg work. The unit should; but I have a personal investment in these two. One of them was my first squad leader when I got to my first duty assignment, so him and I have a lot of history. I'm not going to leave the guy hanging. It's been over a year, and I've submitted this stuff too many times.

As for the AAA's, the day I got them, I called back to the Rear and asked why I got them so late. I could hear the clerk in the background saying, "um, damn, I guess I forgot!" So they gave me one day to have my commander and Det SGT review to the reports and have them returned.

Not to mention ERBs. I transferred units for this deployment back in June. Since then, my ERB says I've gone back and forth between the two units multiple times, even with 3 days in between. It's ludicrous!

But you're absolutely right, a relief is in order.
SSG(P) Transportation Management Coordinator
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I hate beating a dead horse SGM, but this one cracks me up. So, a former Soldier just hit me up. She forwarded me a photo of her PCS award, which is about to be mailed to her. She PCS'd last month. Well, the S1 OIC removed the original recommender's name and replaced it with her's. Not only that, but she took the liberty of reducing the award recommendation. I can't help but laugh at this one. It's things like this that make me contemplate getting out.
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1SG Michael Blount
So far, I'd rather have hemmorroids than deal with my S1. Absolutely worse than useless
SSG(P) Transportation Management Coordinator
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I'm struggling to stay level right now. I got about 67 more days until I hit ground and set them on fire.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
>1 y
SSG(P) (Join to see) - don't set them on fire. Wayyyy too much paperwork. IMHO, no bigger collection of hidebound, nit-pickers was ever created than live in the S1
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I have had one good S1, one bad S1 so far.

About your awards, I would suggest starting to submit your paperwork with a DA-200 so when it gets lost you have a clear person to blame.
SSG(P) Transportation Management Coordinator
SSG(P) (Join to see)
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I have the DA 200's. I do that for everything.

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