Posted on Jan 14, 2020
CPL Driver
Details leading up to recommendation from the pa. Note: I’ve been in for 3.5 years as an 88m: My knee has been messing up for some time now. I haven’t been able to take a pt test for about a year and a half due to profiles and trying to get a doctor to find out what is wrong with my knee. The same pa that is recommending chapter sent me to physical therapy and told me to come back for a review and talk about the next option for my issues. PT ended the day before I went on leave and today was my first day back to the unit and the same day I was told by my 1sg that I have been recommended. Note I did miss a few of my PT appointments due to taskings and pa briefly said after looking further into my medical history that there is something the should disqualify me for even being in the army, he said to schedule an appointment with him and he would go into further detail. Top is telling me there is nothing I can do and wants me to set up sfl tap ASAP. I can do my job to standard I just can’t run.
Posted in these groups: Bdb67839 Camp Casey
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Responses: 5
MSG Logistics Analyst
One other thing i forgot to mention. Go ahead and do your SFL-TAP. Whats the worst that can happen? You gain extra knowledge? If you manage to stay in it wont hurt you to have that knowledge you learned in SFL-TAP. As a matter of fact i would send Soldier waaaaaaaaaay ahead of time, it actually became a retention tool for me, because once they sat down and actually did a realistic budget to include what they would pay for Medical insurance, they came back looking to re-enlist. But knowledge is never bad. Do the SFL-TAP and if you manage to stay in your smarter because of it.
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SGT Herbert Bollum
I injured a knee in basic myself, spent 6 weeks of basic on profile.
Later I got a permanent profile for feet, I never again took a PT test.
I had a 1SG try to get me out, but my CO told him to leave me alone as I was top repair person and constantly taking correspondence courses with great scores. I spent almost 7 years on active duty ( 6 years after my permanent profile).
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
You should set up SFLTAP no matter what. The PA can recommend a 5-17 but it's the CDR who approves it. In this case, I'm pretty sure it's the BDE CDR. A 5-17 is usually for pain without a source of injury or known cause. If there is an actual injury you should be referred to a med board for separation. Either way, both have you separating in less than a year
SFC Retention Operations Nco
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PFC Jeffrey Herrington malingering that you can't prove is basically pain without a known cause. If a Soldier goes to sick call repeatedly because their knee or back hurts, and the provider can't find a cause, then who can tell if it's real or malingering?
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