Posted on Jan 8, 2020
CPO Nate S.
I grew up believing that "A Scout is TRUSTWORTHY!"

As I became an adult (about a million years ago LoL), I realized that not everyone had been given the blessings of truth, at least as I understood the meaning of the word. At some point our naivete melts into austere realism. It does not mean you lose your idealism, it means, simply, that you open your eyes.

Yet, our HOPE in "Truth" and what the sunshine of truth exposes can be sanitizing. Perhaps, those in our nation whose eyes are closed because they are comfortable with "little lies" will, perhaps open their eyes.

The TRUTH is it is all about perspective! I was exposed to tag lines like:

"One person's garbage is another person's art"

"One person's nasty inhuman terrorist is another person's freedom fighter"

"One person's lump of clay is another person's lump of clay that is the next - David"


These dualities are often hard to deal with, because they often force people to pick a side and call the side they pick - "Truth":

- e.g. "garbage" vs "art"
- e.g. "terrorist" vs "freedom fighter"
- e.g. "unformed lump of clay" vs "a formed statue of grace and beauty widely acclaimed"

That is why having an INDEPENDENT mine set and have affiliation to NO party allows the truly independent mind and spirit to see TRUTH and LIES for what they are!
Edited >1 y ago
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SPC Deon Holmes
Edited >1 y ago
The masses are never given truths. But they are given lots of propaganda and fluoride to keep them busy. The one thing I consistently pray for is for the highest of truths to be revealed to all peoples of the earth. Not the little lies of man, but the truths that would give us all the freedom to live in peace and love. There are no ideologies in these truths. There are no left wings or right wings. No lies of black, white, brown, red, yellow or polka dots machines. The absolute universal truths will shine a bright light to reveal all to those who want to see.

Until then, those of us who are on this life long journey seeking these truths have to keep in mind that the lemonade isn't really lemonade, and the Nutella sandwich isn't really Nutella!
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
>1 y
SPC Deon Holmes - Young man! Your eloquence is wisdom personified. Keep thinking with the kind of thoughts you have been blessed with. I can also tell you are a man of vision and faith.

I want to say that the Tolstoy quote, "History would be a wonderful thing – if it were only true." that MSgt Steve Sweeney identified, goes hand in hand with what you are saying. Too many people "drink the lemonade" and don't ask the salient questions.

As Obi-wan from Star Wars mythology said: "...Truths...are from a certain point of view...." (~ 3:00 min, but the quote is in 1st few seconds.)

That is why this song of the 60's ( has so much meaning for me. Those who seek to rewrite history without challenge expect the unknowing or less informed and will do whatever it takes to achieve the "silence" of those who would challenge them so ONLY their voices are heard. Such behaviors we call - Tyranny!!!

For me there is nothing in life that is not interesting! Meaning, that each person's views here on RP, regardless if I agree or agree to disagree with them, is interesting. My job, so long as post here is simple. I like to pose the interesting questions, well - interesting at least to me. From the responses of others here on RP, I begin to determine if that same question is interesting to them as well or am I not seeing portions of the picture hidden in - plain sight.

I am always amazed at the thoughtfulness some put into their responses. Perhaps, that is why I work hard to be as clear in my responses or lay the groundwork (aka perspectives) for others to build upon in original posts. I don't nor have I ever expected for people agree with me; rather, I welcome difference, so long as I too am allowed to share my voice. It is only when others seek to silence my truth from my point of view that tells me they do not really understand the words "We the order to form a more perfect union...." If my truth is off, others a responsibility to present to me "facts' and logic peppered with some emotion; vs, emotion that may or may not be sprinkled with facts.

For instance, the is a fact there are the wealthy and the poor. The question is not that these two conditions exist - they do! Rather, it is in how do we make the poor more wealthy without working to make the wealthy poor? This is why SPC Deon Holmes words "...they are given lots of propaganda and fluoride to keep them busy..." presents such insight. This is also why I'd welcome to the opportunity to buy a man like you SPC Deon Holmes dinner and drink should our paths ever cross! Just saying......
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CPT Consultant
*Trustworthy* (and Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean & Reverent notwithstanding) —but— in many ways “Be Prepared* says it all.
CPT Consultant
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
CPO Nate S. - 1966! And NESA Life Member. Hardest merit badge for me for was *lifesaving.* Bombed it first time out but a year later I became stronger and a much better swimmer.

Rev/edit - added pamphlet
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) - I use to teach this one when I was on Summer Camp Staff at a youth. Little did I know years later I become a Marine Corps Water Safety Survival Instructor (WSSI) and really enhance those skills. At least for the BSA version I was not required to swim with hands and feet tied just to pass!!!
CPT Consultant
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
CPO Nate S. - Similar track. Got Scout Lifeguard and was on BSA summer camp aquatics staff for two years —-> Lifeguard and Red Cross WSI at a municipal pool —-> CIOR Military Pentathlon which included a 50m swim in fatigues over obstacles.

Last time I checked upwards of 2/3 of the globe = covered by H2O - never understood why swimming and lifesaving merit badges are no longer Eagle *requirements* and are now only *optional.*
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) - I agree with you as a personal functional skill. I never understood in bootcamp why people joined the US Navy and never realized the Navy meant being (on or Under the surface of the water), but could not swim.

Once, I was tasked ("Asked nicely because I was a WSSI") two teach two nurses who were non-swimmers, who wanted to be on operational medical teams to swim. I made it very clear, that I was not concerned with their rank and if they tried to pull rank because they did not want to do as asked in terms of their aquatics training to get them past their fears that they would need find another instructor. Both were LT's and I shared that squarely n the same with the CDR who made that "request of me". This said I had both of them swimming in 6 weeks like fish. It was my name of the certification.

BTW, the next thing you know I had all sorts of people asking for aquatics training, just so they could have operational experience on their evals. Hummmmmmm!

Anyway, Scouting is offering choice. Choice is good, but practical skills are better!!!

My grandson is a swimmer. But, he had an incident that could have challenged him a couple of days ago. Thankfully, he is Ok and bask to school today. But, things could have been worse. He was driving his grandmother's van on a way to his friend's house when he was trying to make an easy curve and went into a skid down a hill that put him into the lake near his friend's house as shown. Trust me when I tell I have taught my children and my grandchildren to swim!

It was funny, he just turned his his paperwork in for Eagle Scout and yesterday evening said "Grandpa, I did learn something from Scouting." It was his way of saying "Thank you!" The car can be replaced, but what we do to prepare those we love cannot!
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MSgt Steve Sweeney
Eventually someone or some group will know what happened, but often not enough people, or we learn about it way too late for it to be important or for anything to be done about it. A quote attributed to Tolstoy goes, "History would be a wonderful thing – if it were only true." - but did he actually say it? Who knows... and even if we could say for sure, would it matter?
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