Posted on Mar 19, 2015
Cpl Anthony Pearson
So, our illustrious president has suggested "forced voting" for Americans. How do YOU feel about that? Being FORCED to vote for candidates you may or may not support?

I understand Americans should vote. No question about that. But FORCED?

Smells like communism. Socialism. Doesn't smell American at all.
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Responses: 189
Col Joseph Lenertz
When government laws mandate citizen's activity (whether voting or buying health insurance), individual liberty is lost. It says, "we the government are above The People. We know better and can order under force of punishment ALL the citizens what to do." These laws turn the concept of people over government (of the people, for the people, by the people) on it's head.
That is why so many are against the health insurance mandate and will be against this proposal. If only subconsciously, Americans have a sense of our constitutional principles even if they haven't studied the constitution. And no progressive interpretation will take away that bad feeling they have. They sense a loss of liberty...and they are correct.
SFC Ian Lumgair
SFC Ian Lumgair
>1 y
Cpl Tare Weston. well since 1992 those of us in the military have had TriCare it has insurance premiums and COpays and the whole nine yards. but more to your point when you enter into the military you enter under a set of agreements one of which is, your medical care while on active duty will be provided for. You and to a limited extent your family will have medical coverage. That is not to say that there are other agreements that you enter into, its just part of that agreement. Your other statement. You brought up the ACA not me by its very nature it is me paying for your medical bills or visa versa. If you don't get that then well duh..... You tell me what it is, if its not that. As to your point on making voting more difficult define how? "other then having some black clothed, jackbooted, club carrying thug stand in front of the voting both like they had in Pennsylvania". who is they? Where did I say you where on welfare again. Just curious.
Sgt Christopher Collins
Sgt Christopher Collins
9 y
BO can kiss off. He is not a king.
SFC Michael Peterson
SFC Michael Peterson
9 y
This "President" is so ate up I can't believe it's not on purpose.
SFC Lee Flowers
SFC Lee Flowers
9 y
Smells and looks like nigger rigging to me.
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CSM David Heidke
I'd rather see forced working
SPC Lee Burner
SPC Lee Burner
>1 y
You win with that comment!
SGT James Elphick
SGT James Elphick
>1 y
They actually did that in England for awhile in the 1800-1900's. Apparently it was pretty awful and you were better off going to prison.
PO1 Musician
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
if you were arab wanted to gang rape a soliders wife let cogress do it vote abortion against the law
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
CSM David Heidke , you never disappoint!
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CPT Zachary Brooks
Well let's see here:

1. Takes away people's freedom by removing their choice
2. Reeks of corruption opportunities
3. Still only stuck with two crappy options, would love to see "None of the above"
4. How will this be enforced? Or will your vote just register for the party in power automatically?
LTC Student
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
The only way that this could be enforced is if there is an abstains from voting in this portion of the election on the ballot. I actually think that might help us, we could see who cares for either side, and who really thinks both sides are horrible.
SFC Michael Peterson
SFC Michael Peterson
>1 y
I would love to see "none of the above" on the ballet with the stipulation being that the election is invalid and a new one must occur within 90 days with different candidates. That's exactly how I would have voted in the last two elections.
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