Posted on Feb 8, 2014
SGT Squad Leader
Why do I see more and more brand new Soldiers coming to the unit with an ungrateful attitude, talking shit to NCOs, disrespecting fellow Soldiers?  
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Responses: 42
SGT Information Technology Specialist
Just to caveat what the SSG and 1SG said, the reason is because we as NCOs allow it to happen. We as NCOs are becoming lazy. We would rather let the infraction slide than take the time out to do the counseling and present it to the Chain of Command. This needs to stop! Also, the Soldiers must understand that they are no longer "back on the block"! There is a place for the attitude these Soldiers's called "the house".
MAJ Veterinary Laisson Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
11 y
To expand on what SGT Reinecke said and being prior enlisted. The Army in general no longer values leadership. Rather, we promote managers and paper pushers. I have found that both Comissioned and Non-comissioned Officers no longer value leadership. The ones that try to mentor, or lead are all too often beaten down by their 1SG or Commanders whom all too often are more worried about their next evaluation than doing what should be done. This is reflected at nearly every level of schooling as well from WLC on the enlisted side to Advanced Officer Training on the officer side. We really need to refocus on leadership rather than management.
MAJ Veterinary Laisson Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
11 y
To expand on what SGT Reinecke said and being prior enlisted. The Army in general no longer values leadership. Rather, we promote managers and paper pushers. I have found that both Comissioned and Non-comissioned Officers no longer value leadership. The ones that try to mentor, or lead are all too often beaten down by their 1SG or Commanders whom all too often are more worried about their next evaluation than doing what should be done. This is reflected at nearly every level of schooling as well from WLC on the enlisted side to Advanced Officer Training on the officer side. We really need to refocus on leadership rather than management.
MAJ Veterinary Laisson Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
11 y
To expand on what SGT Reinecke said and being prior enlisted. The Army in general no longer values leadership. Rather, we promote managers and paper pushers. I have found that both Comissioned and Non-comissioned Officers no longer value leadership. The ones that try to mentor, or lead are all too often beaten down by their 1SG or Commanders whom all too often are more worried about their next evaluation than doing what should be done. This is reflected at nearly every level of schooling as well from WLC on the enlisted side to Advanced Officer Training on the officer side. We really need to refocus on leadership rather than management.
MAJ Veterinary Laisson Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
11 y
To expand on what SGT Reinecke said and being prior enlisted. The Army in general no longer values leadership. Rather, we promote managers and paper pushers. I have found that both Comissioned and Non-comissioned Officers no longer value leadership. The ones that try to mentor, or lead are all too often beaten down by their 1SG or Commanders whom all too often are more worried about their next evaluation than doing what should be done. This is reflected at nearly every level of schooling as well from WLC on the enlisted side to Advanced Officer Training on the officer side. We really need to refocus on leadership rather than management.
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SGT Cda 564, Assistant Team Sergeant
The power of the NCO and Officer is slowly being taken. Soldiers have no moral compass or pride as they have in the past. In the 1900s-1990s if a MSG yelled at you, you took it in stride and improved. 

If a MSG yells at a soldier now, the soldier just goes and files a complaint with Psych or open door policy with the CSM or worse plans retaliation. Kids(and I mean KIDS, because that's how they act dont deserve to be called soldiers) are more devious and hold a grudge instead of having pride in themselves and taking constructive criticism as a means to improve.

You think it is bad now, by the time you hit retirement age, IF we still have an Army, it will be far far worse. By then we will all probably be equals in authority, just getting paid different based on TIS rank will mean nothing but more money.
MSgt Aircrew Controller Ii
MSgt (Join to see)
11 y
<p>I disagree. NCO and OFFICER powers aren't being taken away. They are giving it away by not calling BS. When confronted by MEO because an Airman complained about the way I spoke to them or treated them, I asked the simple question of "AM I in violation of the UCMJ or stepping outside my authority as a Non Commissioned Officer?"&nbsp; They would always say "No, but..." I would cut them off at the but and dismiss them from my office.&nbsp; You have to exercise your authority over your subordinates, just like your superiors must do the same with you.&nbsp; A little more 'suck it up buttercup' and stop taking things personally, because it's not personal it's professional correction and leadership!</p>
SGT(P) Eye Specialist
SGT(P) (Join to see)
11 y
MSgt Michael Koss, this statement says it all......"A little more 'suck it up buttercup' and stop taking things personally, because it's not personal it's professional correction and leadership!" This message needs to start in boot and continue through AIT. While we are at it, cellphones should be banned from boot camp and left in the barracks during AIT. 

It has to start in the beginning, after that it gets harder and harder to correct.
MSgt Aircraft Armament Systems
MSgt (Join to see)
11 y

I wholeheartedly agree with MSgt Koss here.  The NCO's power isn't being TAKEN away, it's being GIVEN away.  I see and deal with this in the AF on a daily basis.  Our E-4's aren't bridging the gap between Junior Enlisted and NCO, our E-5's aren't stepping up and taking their frontline supervisor responsibilities, our E-6's are frustrated that the E-5's and below give them no respect, and by the time it gets to my E-7 level, and I try to correct it, I get eye rolls and threats of MEO action because I'm not giving them a warm-fuzzy hugs and kisses speech.


Then, when you try to gather the troops for the "Come to Jesus" meeting, YOU are the one they complain about because you're the only one actually acting within his/her responsibility IAW AFI 36-2618 (Enlisted Force Structure).  This is why I keep a copy of the little brown, little blue, and now little green book in my cargo pocket.  Just for such "reminders" of how it's SUPPOSED to work.

SSG Instructor
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
I see this often the simple part of allowing subordinate soldiers to just talk to you as peers, no Parade Rest or telling them to not call "at ease" when appropriate.  its the small parts that have been let to slide.
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1SG Shane Hansen
Edited 11 y ago
<p>I think SGT Simpson hit the nail on the head:&nbsp; because NCOs allow it to happen.&nbsp; NCOs should hold the Soldiers accountable for their infractions instead of turning a blind eye to the problem because they want to be friends or don't want to do the paperwork.&nbsp; An NCO cannot be a hypocrite either because they lose credibility.</p><p>Example - correcting a Soldier with sunglasses on top of his head when that NCO has his sunglasses on top of his head.</p><p>Bottom line, discipline is the cornerstone to our military, and without discipline there is chaos.&nbsp; It is&nbsp;the NCO's&nbsp;responsiblity to instill that discipline in our Soldiers no matter what your MOS or duty position is.</p>
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