Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 33
Off post. I like the feeling of leaving post after I get off work. I also like that you can't hear cadence being called or artillery fired when my kids are sleeping in. Lastly, I like owning my own place. I feel it's a better investment for my BAH.
SSG Ralph Watkins
I had a family member stay at our on-base quarters overnight. He was a foreign national & actually was sleeping in the car. He didn't realize he was on base. About midnight a night fire exercise opened up across the street from us with M-16's blazing as well as howitzers firing a little further off from there. Scared the piss out of him. He was already looking at getting arrested when he got back home so this really didn't help. Poor guy couldn't sleep after that. Hey, I've lived off base too. Gunfire was common in one place I lived too but it wasn't military gunfire.
In 18 years of service I have only lived on post once and although I won't argue the fast commute factor, I just couldn't get over paying all of my housing allowance while the E4 living a few houses down from me was paying much less. The other factor I didn't like about living on post was my chain of command knew it and they sure would call me to pick people up from the MP station or check the barracks all the time. I don't mind checking on my soldiers or picking someone up from the MP station that were in my platoon but others in my company or other companies in the battalion, that's too much.
SFC (Join to see)
I agree. The only positives of on-post housing are: commute, security, maintenance, and utilities. Although that does not compensate for the fact that most ranks have the same house but different BAH. I think it definitely needs to be adjusted.
SSG Lisa Rendina
Agreed! The housing area we live in is for E1-E6 and it kills me each month to know we are paying over $$$ each month more for the same housing area (and the PVT down the street probably has a better layout with more usable space).
TSgt (Join to see)
My wife and I are the proud parents of a 2 yr old Pitbull, and despite the negative connotation they receive in the media, she's one of the sweetest dogs I've known. Unfortuantely, DoD won't allow "bully breeds" on base, so we are required to live off-base. We're both fine with it, considering the additional headache of living on-base brings.
SSG Rendina; I currently live on base at Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Although, certain positions make it mandatory to live on base, in my current assignment it is voluntary. The reason I chose to live on base is because when I first arrived, my job required me to work midnight shifts (2200 to 0600hrs or sometimes 1800 to 0600hrs) in the NORAD-USNORTHCOM Command Center. My wife told me she felt more secure/safe living on base while I did my mid shifts.
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